Beijing City has built 166 million square meters of green buildings


A few days ago, the Human Resources and Environment Construction Committee of the Beijing Municipal Political Consultative Conference went to Beijing Daxing International Airport and China Eastern Airlines Daxing Airport Base to conduct a special investigation on pollution reduction and carbon reduction in the construction field. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission said when briefing the members that Beijing has built 166 million square meters of green buildings.

The members visited the lobby of Daxing International Airport and the base of China Eastern Airlines. Daxing International Airport has adopted an innovative overall energy solution. Through various forms such as photovoltaic power generation and ground source heat pump, the whole site can generate renewable energy which accounts for more than 15% of the total energy consumption. Taking the landscape lake and flood storage and detention area as the shallow ground source heat pump centralized buried pipe area, the organic combination of shallow ground source heat pump and centralized boiler room, boiler waste heat recovery system, conventional electric refrigeration, ice storage, etc. is realized. It can meet the heating and cooling needs of the surrounding 2.57 million square meters of buildings, and is the world's largest shallow ground source heat pump centralized energy supply project. The terminal building of Daxing International Airport is the first building in China to obtain the triple-A certification of energy-saving buildings, and it is also the three-star building with the largest single area at present. The roof area of the terminal building is about 300,000 square meters, of which 60,000 square meters are skylights. In the central area, sunlight can illuminate all floors. On the fourth floor, the departure floor can achieve comfortable lighting without turning on lights during the day.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Construction Commission introduced the energy saving and carbon reduction of Beijing's civil buildings to the members. As of the end of 2021, the total area of urban civil buildings in Beijing is about 996.56 million square meters, and the total area of urban civil buildings will continue to grow rigidly for a long period of time in the future. In 2021, the national civil building energy consumption will be 42.14 million tons of standard coal, accounting for more than 50% of the total energy consumption of the whole society.

Beijing actively promotes the implementation of high-star green buildings in key areas and major projects such as the administrative office area of the city's sub-center, Beijing Xinhang City, Zhongguancun Science City, Huairou Science City, and Yanqing World Horticultural Exhibition. By the end of 2021, the city has built a total of 166 million square meters of green building area, and has passed a total of 858 green building labeling projects, ranking the forefront of green building development in the country. In addition, Beijing also vigorously develops prefabricated buildings. From 2017 to the end of 2021, the city's newly built prefabricated buildings have a cumulative area of 74 million square meters, and prefabricated buildings account for 40.12% of new buildings. The development of prefabricated buildings is at the leading level in the country.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Beijing strengthened the green renovation of existing buildings, and completed 123 renovation projects with a renovation area of 9.97 million square meters. It has effectively promoted the energy efficiency improvement, energy conservation and carbon reduction of public buildings in Beijing. Promote the application of renewable energy, use the municipal financial funds to subsidize the power generation of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects of 582.4 million kWh, and use the municipal government's fixed asset investment to support the construction of a geothermal and heat pump system heating area of 7.28 million square meters.

After investigation, the CPPCC members said that electricity accounts for the highest proportion of carbon emissions from residential buildings in Beijing, and the proportion of green electricity applications generally determines the process of building carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Measures should be taken to greatly increase the proportion of green electricity. The reconstruction of the heating system is imperative, and the management level of heating service enterprises should be improved, the heating system should be optimized, and the application of new energy and renewable energy heating should be promoted. Fully implement heating metering and charging, promote heating metering and terminal intelligent control, achieve precise heating, and eliminate heating service enterprises with high energy consumption and poor performance through differentiated financial subsidies and gas tiered prices. It is necessary to increase investment in scientific and technological innovation, concentrate advantageous resources on technological breakthroughs in new energy-saving and low-carbon integrated building design and construction technology, low-carbon and environmentally friendly building materials, etc., and comprehensively enhance the innovation capability of the entire industry chain.

The members also suggested that strong measures should be taken to promote the promotion of ultra-low energy consumption buildings, such as including ultra-low energy consumption buildings in the "minimum construction standard" in the land use link. For government-invested construction projects such as schools, nursing homes, and kindergartens, ultra-low energy consumption buildings will be fully implemented, and the city's ultra-low energy consumption incentive policies will be formulated during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. Rewards will be given to projects voluntarily implemented by social capital, and the recommended design standards for ultra-low energy buildings will be upgraded to mandatory design standards in due course.

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