China's new buildings "green" has exceeded 90%


From green buildings to green building materials, to vigorously developing green construction methods, China has now fully realized energy conservation in new buildings, especially green buildings have developed rapidly and achieved remarkable results.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as of the first half of this year, the proportion of newly built green buildings in China has exceeded 90%. The area of new green buildings nationwide has increased from 4 million square meters in 2012 to 2 billion square meters in 2021.

In Shenzhen, the construction scale and construction density of green buildings have always been at the forefront of the country. Starting from July 1, Shenzhen's new civil and industrial buildings will be 100% "green". So far, more than 1,500 projects have obtained the green building evaluation mark. Like this world's first "light storage, direct and flexible" building, the electricity generated by the rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation device can be stored and used flexibly. After a year of operation, it has saved more than 100,000 kWh of electricity.

At present, with the help of advanced technologies such as "light storage, direct flexibility" and "shallow geothermal energy", green buildings have achieved leapfrog development. All new urban buildings across the country have implemented mandatory energy conservation standards, and fully realized energy conservation in new buildings. At the same time, about 4,000 products across the country have obtained the green building materials evaluation certificate, gradually realizing large-scale application, and prefabricated buildings are becoming more and more popular. In the first half of this year, the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings in China accounted for more than 25% of the new construction area, and the total construction area of prefabricated buildings reached 2.4 billion square meters.

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