Shanxi Province has basically achieved full coverage of prefabricated construction industry bases within 100 kilometers


On July 6, the reporter learned from the Shanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that the province is promoting the construction of prefabricated construction industry bases, basically achieving full coverage of prefabricated construction industry bases within a hundred kilometers. Concrete structure, steel structure, wood structure and other structural systems are fully covered.

In recent years, Shanxi has introduced measures such as "Shanxi Province Prefabricated Building Design Guidelines", "Administrative Measures for Prefabricated Building Industry Bases", and "Management Measures for Prefabricated Building Demonstration Projects" to promote the implementation of prefabricated building projects. In 2021, 7.7653 million square meters of prefabricated buildings will be newly started in Shanxi, accounting for 23.26% of the new buildings.

At present, Shanxi has identified 21 provincial-level prefabricated construction industry bases, including 9 parts and components, 8 construction, and 4 design. The industrial layout has begun to take shape. 18 production bases for parts and components have been built and put into production successively, with a production capacity of 18.7 million square meters. In addition to meeting local needs, the production capacity of some industrial bases can be supplied to Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi and other places.

Shanxi Datong prefabricated green building integrated industrial base was rated as a national prefabricated construction industrial park by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Shanxi Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd., Shanxi Fourth Construction Group Co., Ltd., etc., have been rated as national-level prefabricated construction industry bases by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

A prefabricated building refers to a building constructed from prefabricated components through reliable connection. It has the characteristics of standardized design, factory production, prefabricated construction, integrated decoration, information management and intelligent application. Divided by type, prefabricated buildings mainly include prefabricated steel structure system, prefabricated concrete system and prefabricated decoration.

The "14th Five-Year Plan for Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building Development" issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development clearly states that by 2025, new urban buildings will be fully constructed as green buildings, and prefabricated buildings will account for 30% of new urban buildings that year.

Shanxi will promote the priority to use steel structures in new public buildings, and encourage qualified areas to specify a certain proportion of projects in the construction of affordable housing, prefabricated housing and rural housing to adopt the prefabricated construction method of steel structures; The prefabricated concrete building structure system of the building type has steadily promoted the development of prefabricated concrete buildings.

According to the "14th Five-Year Plan for Building Energy Conservation, Green Building and Technology Standards in Shanxi Province", by 2025, prefabricated buildings in Shanxi will account for 30% of the new construction area, and Taiyuan and Datong will account for 40%.

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