Yinchuan Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau held a promotion meeting on building energy conservation, green buildings and prefabricated buildings



In order to strengthen the comprehensive supervision and inspection of building energy conservation, green buildings, prefabricated buildings and elderly-friendly service facilities, as well as barrier-free facilities in the region, and promote the healthy development of the construction market. On July 1 and July 4, the Autonomous Region Housing and Urban-rural Development Department organized experts to carry out on-site inspections on energy-saving projects in the three districts of Yinchuan City. They randomly checked 9 energy-saving engineering projects and 6 prefabricated buildings, and carried out on-site inspections and verification of drawings and documents. On the morning of July 5, the results of the special inspection in Yinchuan City were given feedback.

In response to the inspection by the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Autonomous Region, on the afternoon of July 5, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Yinchuan City convened a promotion meeting on building energy conservation, green buildings and prefabricated buildings in Yinchuan as soon as possible. The five parties responsible for the 15 inspected units participated in the meeting. The meeting notified the problems identified and asked all units to implement rectification as soon as possible.

In the next step, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau will further consolidate the responsibilities of all parties and promote the development of the city's construction industry. First, it is necessary to strengthen source management and control, and effectively ensure the legality, compliance and reasonableness of engineering design. The second is to increase the intensity of drawing review, and earnestly perform the duties of drawing review. The third is to implement the main responsibilities of construction, construction, supervision and other units. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and management, implement rectification requirements, rectify strictly and quickly, establish a system for canceling account numbers, and rectify one account and one account, and only after all the rectifications are in place can the follow-up work such as completion acceptance be carried out.

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