Shanxi Peovince: By 2025, 100% of new urban buildings are "green"


Recently, the Shanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Building Energy Conservation, Green Building and Technology Standards in Shanxi Province". The "Planning" proposes that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Shanxi Province will continue to promote the high-quality development of green buildings. By 2025, urban green buildings will account for 100% of new buildings, and one-star and above green buildings will account for 30%.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Shanxi Province continued to promote the full implementation of green building standards for new buildings. New buildings in cities and towns are designed and constructed in strict accordance with the basic green building standards. Among them, public buildings are subject to the one-star standard and above, and high-rise buildings that exceed the limit are subject to the three-star standard. Encourage public buildings and other conditional projects invested by state-owned funds to implement the two-star and above standards. Further improve the green building demonstration index system, take the "concentrated green building demonstration zones" in 22 cities as the starting point, and vigorously promote the green and low-carbon process of the whole process of regional planning, design, construction, operation management, and building demolition.

Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, accelerate the construction of prefabricated construction industry bases, further improve the information service platform for prefabricated construction industry, and promote the coordinated development of the entire industrial chain of prefabricated buildings. Promote the use of steel structures in new public buildings. Create green building innovation projects, and actively guide the technological innovation of oversized high-rise buildings, green buildings, prefabricated buildings, near-zero energy buildings, and new building industrialization projects. Strive to reach the domestic leading level in technology applications such as full life cycle BIM, aluminum formwork, prefabricated, green construction, and intelligent management.

In addition, standardize the labeling and management of green buildings, organize the identification of one-star and two-star green buildings, implement nationally unified identification standards and identification styles, and incorporate identification projects into the national green building identification management platform. In government investment projects, key projects, municipal public works, green buildings, prefabricated buildings and other projects, take the lead in promoting the application of green building materials, explore the establishment of pilot projects for the application of green building materials, and gradually increase the proportion of green building materials used in new urban buildings.

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