Jiangsu Province actively carries out the modernization of the construction industry in 2022



On June 28, the Jiangsu Provincial Construction Industry Modernization Promotion Work Joint Conference Office organized the 2022 Provincial Construction Industry Modernization Work Scheduling Meeting in Haimen, Nantong.

The meeting reported the modernization of the construction industry in the province in the first half of the year. The responsible comrades in charge of each district and city exchanged work progress, analyzed existing problems, and discussed the next steps.

The meeting affirmed the phased achievements of the province's construction industry modernization work this year despite overcoming the adverse effects of the COVID-19 epidemic. The meeting pointed out that all localities should step up efforts to ensure that the annual goals and tasks are fully completed by the end of the year. It is necessary to combine local reality, clarify key directions, continuously improve the level of standardized design, vigorously develop assembly decoration, highlight technology first, strengthen scientific and technological support, and deepen pilot demonstrations. Cultivate key enterprises, promote the integrated development of the industrial chain, and promote the steady development of the modernization of the province's construction industry with solid and effective work.

The responsible comrades of the Office of the Provincial Construction Industry Modernization Promotion Joint Conference and the Office of the Construction Industry Modernization Promotion Joint Conference of Districts and Cities attended the meeting.

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