The production quality of prefabricated concrete components of prefabricated buildings in Hefei is generally controlled


In order to ensure the quality of prefabricated concrete components for prefabricated buildings, in April this year, the Urban and Rural Construction Bureau of Hefei City, Anhui Province carried out a comprehensive and comprehensive evaluation of the standardized construction of 11 prefabricated concrete component manufacturers. Up to now, there are no standardization construction missing items in the 10 evaluation categories and 51 sub-items of the precast concrete component manufacturers, and the quality of component production is generally under control.

Hefei Urban and Rural Construction Bureau organized experts in production, testing, design, etc., in accordance with the requirements of the "Standardized Construction and Evaluation Manual for Prefabricated Concrete Component Manufacturers in Hefei City". By carrying out evaluations such as "one-to-one" activities of experts, "dual random" inspections, and enterprise standardization construction, we will promote the implementation of various quality management by production enterprises. Judging from the evaluation situation, the quality, environment, occupational health and safety management system and various management systems of precast concrete component manufacturers have been established, the layout of the factory area is managed by division, the management department is fully staffed, the production equipment meets the requirements, and the information management is widely used. 

It is understood that there are 55 production lines (31 assembly lines, 24 fixed lines, including 4 segment lines) of prefabricated concrete components for prefabricated buildings in Hefei City, with an annual design capacity of 2.6 million cubic meters (Including the annual designed production capacity of shield segments of 400,000 cubic meters). Calculated according to the assembly rate of 30% to 50%, it can meet the construction requirements of prefabricated buildings with an area of more than 15 million square meters. From January to April, the cumulative production volume of precast concrete components in Hefei was 177,900 cubic meters, providing parts and components guarantee for the city's prefabricated buildings.

The relevant person in charge said that the standardization of precast concrete component production enterprises is an important measure to promote the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings. Hefei Urban and Rural Construction Bureau will continue to promote standardization construction, formulate enterprise standardization construction training programs, and establish an effective inspection and assessment system to provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings.

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