Quanzhou City, Fujian Province promotes the high-quality development of the construction industry and promotes the construction industrialization system



In order to promote the high-quality development of the construction industry, further promote the deepening reform of the construction industry, promote innovation, drive development, promote the development and growth of the construction industry, and enhance the competitiveness of the construction industry, this year, the Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone revised the "Several Opinions on Further Promoting the Development and Growth of the Construction Industry", which will be valid until March 3, 2026.

Implement the development strategy of supporting the excellent and the strong

10 million yuan reward for the special-grade general construction contracting qualification

It is reported that the construction enterprises in the "Opinions" are enterprises whose main business is engineering construction (including general contracting, professional contracting, and labor service enterprises), engineering design, engineering survey, engineering supervision, engineering quality inspection, landscaping construction and other types of enterprises.

The "Opinions" pointed out that enterprises are encouraged to be promoted and relocated, guide the transformation and upgrading of enterprises in the district, encourage enterprises outside the district to move into the district, and enhance the overall strength of the construction industry in the Taiwanese business district. Enterprises that have obtained the following qualification grades for the first time or newly relocated enterprises with the following qualification grades will be rewarded: the special-grade general construction contracting qualification (comprehensive construction qualification) will be rewarded with 10 million yuan; The comprehensive Grade A qualification for survey (comprehensive qualification for engineering survey) will be rewarded with 2 million yuan; The first-level qualification for general construction contracting (grade-A qualification for general contracting of construction), the first-grade qualification for engineering design industry, and the first-grade qualification for engineering supervision (grade-A qualification for engineering supervision) will be awarded 1 million yuan. The first-class qualification for construction professional contracting (class-A qualification for construction professional contracting) will be rewarded with a reward of 500,000 yuan. The second-level qualification for construction general contracting, the first-level qualification for engineering design, and the first-level qualification for engineering surveying are rewarded with 300,000 yuan; the second-level qualification for construction professional contracting and the first-level qualification for engineering supervision are rewarded with 100,000 yuan. Among them, railway, port and shipping, water conservancy and hydropower, electric power, mining, metallurgy, petrochemical, communication engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering construction general contracting qualifications, the reward standard is 1.5 times the above standard.

Support construction enterprises to rely on core technologies and core products to create enterprise-specific brands, build the "Quanzhou Construction" brand, and encourage enterprises to create high-quality projects. The general contracting projects undertaken by the construction enterprises in the Taiwanese business district will be rewarded with the following awards: the "Zhan Tianyou Award", "Luban Award", "Li Chun Award" and "Dayu Award" will be rewarded with 500,000 yuan. Received a reward of 250,000 yuan for the "East China High-quality Project Award". Received the "Minjiang Cup" award of 100,000 yuan; won the "National AAA-level safety and civilization standardization site" award of 150,000 yuan; won the "provincial construction safety standardization excellent project" award of 50,000 yuan. Among them, if the award-winning project is a project in the district, the reward standard shall be doubled according to the above standard.

Encourage construction enterprises to increase production and generate income, and reward those whose annual gross output value and annual economic contribution to the construction industry meet the following standards: If the annual total output value of the construction industry reaches more than 5 billion yuan, and the growth rate is more than 10% compared with the previous year, and the total economic contribution in the area is more than 50 million yuan throughout the year, a reward of 500,000 yuan will be awarded. The annual total output value of the construction industry is more than 1 billion yuan, and the growth rate is more than 10% compared with the previous year, and the total economic contribution in the area is more than 10 million yuan, and the reward is 250,000 yuan. The annual total output value of the construction industry is more than 300 million yuan, and the growth rate is more than 10% compared with the previous year, and the total economic contribution in the area for the year is more than 2 million yuan, and the reward is 100,000 yuan.

Increase the intensity of technological innovation in construction

Provincial and above demonstration bases are awarded 2 million yuan

The "Opinions" pointed out that the construction industrialization system should be promoted, and the standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, integrated decoration, information management, and intelligent application should be promoted. Adhere to the innovation of construction methods, vigorously develop prefabricated concrete and steel structure buildings, and continuously increase the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings. Intensify efforts to promote government investment projects to carry out construction industrialization and new technology application demonstrations. Actively promote prefabricated decoration, guide building materials companies to develop new materials and new processes that adapt to new construction methods, and promote the upgrading and development of the building materials industry chain in the area. Those who invest in the establishment of a construction industrialization base in the Taiwan Business District and have been recognized as a demonstration base at the provincial level or above will be awarded a reward of 2 million yuan.

Guide enterprises to increase investment in scientific and technological innovation. Encourage construction enterprises to cooperate with universities and scientific research units, give full play to the leading role of scientific and technological progress, and guide construction enterprises to participate in the construction of various scientific and technological demonstration projects at the provincial and ministerial levels. Strengthen the core technology reserves of enterprises, promote construction enterprises to enter the high-end market, and improve the scientific and technological level of the construction industry. Encourage enterprises to apply for demonstration projects of new technology application in the construction industry, and commend and reward engineering project departments and technical leaders who have made outstanding contributions to scientific and technological demonstration projects and original innovation of construction technology. Construction enterprises in the area that establish scientific and technological research and development centers and are recognized by provincial-level enterprise technology centers will be rewarded with a reward of 500,000 yuan.

At the same time, support the construction of corporate offices and headquarters, ensure the construction land for construction enterprise bases, and arrange appropriate land use to meet the needs of construction enterprise bases in the overall planning of land use. Support the construction of scientific research, training and industrial production bases of construction enterprises, and ensure the construction land for scientific research and training bases of construction enterprises and construction industrialization bases. Encourage construction enterprises to work in this area, start the construction project of "Construction Enterprise Building" in a timely manner, encourage qualified enterprises to settle in with preferential conditions, and promote the standardization and standardization of enterprises. Subsidies will be given to construction enterprises in the district who purchase commercial buildings owned by state-owned enterprises in the district for office use.

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