Zhejiang Province New Building Industrialization Expert Committee investigates the situation of prefabricated buildings in Shaoxing



Recently, the expert group of Zhejiang Provincial New Building Industrialization Expert Committee came to Shaoxing to investigate the development of prefabricated buildings.

The experts of the research team listened to the report on the development of prefabricated buildings in Shaoxing City, and fully affirmed the achievements of Shaoxing City in the field of construction industrialization as a strong construction city in Zhejiang Province. They expressed their appreciation for the advancement of prefabricated construction projects in Shaoxing, the cultivation of construction industry workers, and the quality control of prefabricated components, all of which are at the forefront of the province. And on the problems and bottlenecks faced in the implementation and application of prefabricated buildings in Shaoxing City, especially the implementation of the "Evaluation Standards for Prefabricated Buildings" in Zhejiang Province, and Shaoxing City's prefabricated building design, construction and other leading enterprises have in-depth discussions and exchanges.

At the meeting, the research team put forward requirements for the development of prefabricated buildings in Shaoxing: firstly, we must actively cultivate leading enterprises and give play to the leading role of leading enterprises in the development of the prefabricated building industry; secondly, we must improve the construction standards of prefabricated buildings and promote the improvement of building quality. The third is to strengthen the construction of construction workers, and rely on key prefabricated construction enterprises and industrial bases to accelerate the cultivation of construction workers in the new era.

After the meeting, the research team inspected the Jinghu Zhonghai Bojun project, the Guandu No. 3 steel structure prefabricated housing pilot project, and the Zhejiang Yuanzhu Housing Industrialization and Seiko Green Building Industrialization Base.

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