Anhui Province encourages the inclusion of green performance indicators in housing purchase contracts


Anhui Province recently issued the "Green Building Creation Action Implementation Plan" to carry out green building creation actions, urge new urban buildings to be designed and constructed in accordance with green building standards, and encourage cities to incorporate residential green performance indicators into commercial housing sales contracts.

The plan proposes that the green building creation action takes urban buildings as the object of creation. By 2022, the proportion of green building area in new urban buildings will reach 70%.  Anhui Province will promote the energy-saving and water-saving transformation of existing residential buildings in conjunction with the transformation of old communities in cities and towns.  For new buildings, Anhui Province will fully implement green building standards, and the feasibility study report of construction projects should include green building requirements. Anhui Province is accelerating the energy-saving renovation of public buildings, promoting the development of ultra-low energy buildings and near-zero energy buildings, and promoting the application of renewable energy and the use of recycled water. At the same time, Anhui Province is promoting the establishment of a green residential user supervision mechanism, providing home buyers with methods for house green performance acceptance, encouraging cities to incorporate residential green performance indicators into commercial housing sales contracts, and clarifying quality warranty responsibilities and dispute resolution methods.

The plan also calls for improving the implementation level of green buildings, promoting the integrated development of green buildings and new technologies such as 5G (fifth generation mobile communication technology), the Internet of Things, and construction robots, improving the people's living environment, and forming a social atmosphere that advocates green living.

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