The coverage rate of green buildings in Nantong City has increased significantly, and the new urban buildings are "green" by 100%


As one of the important industries in the national economy, the construction industry has become a key link in achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Relevant policies have also been introduced in various places, requiring developers and builders to participate in the development of green buildings. In recent years, urban green buildings in Nantong have accounted for 100% of new buildings. Suxitong Park, such as Dongyangkou Port and other places have successively built provincial-level green low-rise urban areas, and the proportion of green buildings is rising.

Recently, the reporter followed the staff of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau to the construction site of a "three-star green building" project in the urban area. The total construction area of this commercial housing project is more than 80,000 square meters, and the main structure of the house has been capped. Walking into the model room, the reporter found that the window glass here is somewhat different from the ordinary one.

It is understood that after the three-glass two-chamber glass is put into use, the demand for air conditioning and heating in the building will be reduced, saving energy and reducing consumption from the source. At the same time, the lighting system of the underground garage of the project adopts partition control, and the main energy-consuming equipment such as air conditioning, drainage, and electrical equipment of the house adopts high-energy-efficiency products.

It is understood that at present, the proportion of urban green buildings in Nantong City accounts for 100% of new buildings. Four places such as Suxitong Park, Dongyangkou Port, Tongzhou District, and Haimen District have successively built provincial-level green and low-carbon urban areas, and have received provincial financial subsidies of nearly 100 million yuan.

In the future, Nantong City will further establish and improve the closed supervision mechanism for the whole process of green building construction, ensure the quality of green buildings, and continuously improve the people's perception and recognition of green buildings.

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