The 500 million yuan CCCC Hong Kong Development Assembly Smart Manufacturing Technology Project has been signed!


On the morning of June 21, the signing ceremony of the CCCC Hong Kong Development Assembly Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Project was held. CCCC First Public Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and Shigang Development Group have cooperated strongly to jointly build an assembly and manufacturing technology project. Lu Yuezhong, vice chairman of the CPPCC and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhenjiang New District, attended the event and delivered a speech.

It is understood that the CCCC Hong Kong Development Assembly Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Project will build a standardized, intelligent, mechanized, digital and informatized assembly base. Change the traditional fixed production mode to mobile production mode, integrate the most advanced digital production equipment in China, design a new processing mode, automatic transmission and cutting, equipment linkage, and streamlined operations. Research and develop an automatic assembly line for the production of steel cages and an automatic assembly line for the production of prefabricated components, adopt intelligent manufacturing units, realize professional production of full flow, intelligent management of the whole process, comprehensively improve production efficiency, and take the road of green production, energy saving, environmental protection and sustainable development.

Lu Yuezhong said that the new district will focus on key links such as project approval, commencement of construction, and construction to improve service levels. At the same time, adhere to the problem orientation, keep abreast of the progress of the project, listen to the voice of the enterprise, firmly grasp the initiative of the work, accelerate the promotion of project production and achieve efficiency with a more high-quality business environment, and support high-quality development with high-quality projects.

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