Anhui Province prefabricated building technology development frontier forum held


On June 10, the Anhui Province Prefabricated Building Technology Development Frontier Forum co-sponsored by Anhui Jianzhu University School of Civil Engineering, Anhui Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Anhui Provincial Prefabricated Building Research Institute, and National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Building Health Monitoring and Disaster Prevention Technology was held at Anhui Jianzhu University..

In recent years, China's prefabricated buildings have developed rapidly. Anhui Province alone has 2 national-level prefabricated building demonstration cities, 1 demonstration park, 11 demonstration bases, 3 provincial-level prefabricated building demonstration cities, and 6 provincial-level demonstration cities. Park, 41 provincial industrial bases.

This forum invited industry experts to gather together to comprehensively and systematically expound the relevant theories, technologies and methods of prefabricated buildings from different majors and different perspectives. About 300 scholars, experts and graduate students participated online and offline, fully demonstrating the latest achievements in prefabricated building technology.

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