This prefabricated public housing project in Shenzhen is fully completed


Recently, China Construction Group issued the commendation document of "China Construction Worker Pioneer", and the project manager of Shenzhen Changzhen Public Housing and Ancillary Project EPC (EPC) won the "China Construction Worker Pioneer". At present, the general contracting (EPC) project of Shenzhen Changzhen public housing and its ancillary works is in the final stage.

According to Chen Feng, the person in charge of the project site, at present, about 90% of the facade decoration of the project tower is completed, about 80% of the fine decoration project is completed, about 60% of the garden landscape is completed, and the remaining processes are being constructed in an orderly manner as planned. At the same time, the project is gradually interspersed with special acceptance according to the construction arrangement, and the project is expected to be officially completed and delivered on June 30 this year.

The project is located in Guangming Phoenix City, one of the fifteen key development areas in Shenzhen, with Guangqiao Road in the south, Keyu Road in the west, and Changzhen Station of Shenzhen Metro Line 6 in the southwest. The project is planned to have 24 high-rise towers, four-storey commercial podium and supporting facilities, three 18-class kindergartens and two-storey underground garages (partial one-storey), with a maximum building height of 150m. The nature of the project is affordable housing, centralized commerce, supporting commerce and ancillary projects, and the structural forms are prefabricated integral shear wall structure and prefabricated steel and concrete composite structure (Academician Building, Building 6). The total land area is 207,700 square meters, and the total construction area is about 1.16 million square meters.

As China's largest prefabricated public housing project and the country's largest prefabricated decoration and prefabricated landscape community, the project cooperates with 17 national key research and development projects. It adopts 45 technologies including scissor wall structure buildings with different assembly rates, double-sided superimposed scissor wall structure buildings and prefabricated steel-concrete composite primary and secondary structure buildings to create three national demonstrations and eight industry benchmarks. At the same time, the project is also the first prefabricated building smart construction platform project in China and the first prefabricated decoration affordable housing project in Shenzhen that fully applies the dry construction method. It has realized the transformation and upgrading from the traditional cast-in-place concrete "wet" construction method to the prefabricated "dry" construction method, and won the green building two-star residential building and public building design marks. The project has been highly recognized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and five smart construction and new building industrialization experiences and practices have been widely promoted in the industry.

The Changzhen project is about to be completed, which further demonstrates CSCEC's efficient performance capability in major projects; it further demonstrates CSCEC's lean construction strength in southern China. It will provide important support for China Construction Technology to promote the transformation of production methods with intelligent construction and serve the future urban construction and development.

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