China's first prefabricated steel-concrete beam bridge across the Yellow River opens to traffic


Recently, the National Highway 207 Henan Mengzhou-Yanshi Yellow River Bridge and connecting line project constructed by Yigong Bureau Group was officially opened to traffic.

The project starts from Mengzhou Chengdong Provincial Road in Jiaozuo City, and ends at the east side of Zhangyao with an interchange to connect with Lianhuo Expressway. The total length of the route is about 18.4 kilometers. It adopts the standard construction of two-way 6-lane first-class highway with a design speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The construction content includes bridges, culverts, toll stations, monitoring sub-centers and supporting facilities. Among them, the Mengzhou Yellow River Bridge is one of the eight Yellow River bridges planned by Henan Province during the "13th Five-Year Plan". The super-large bridge erecting machine double-width whole-hole erecting 80-meter steel box girder technology and the 50-meter wave girder factory prefabrication and one-step casting molding process for the top and bottom plates are the first applications in China.

The completion and opening of the project will further improve the highway network in Henan Province and improve the regional traffic conditions, which is of great significance to promoting the economic cooperation and development of the regions on both sides of the Yellow River.

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