Shaanxi Province actively promotes green development of urban and rural construction


■ Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings

■Expand the scale of clean energy utilization

■ Carry out the construction of green ecological residential quarters

■Expand the application scope of green building materials

On May 24, the reporter learned from the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development: This year, Shanxi Province will further promote the green development of urban and rural construction, comprehensively carry out building energy conservation and scientific and technological work, and be supported by institutional innovation and the integration of scientific and technological innovation. Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, expand the scale of clean energy utilization, carry out the construction of green ecological residential quarters, expand the application scope of green building materials, and promote the high-quality development of housing and urban and rural construction in Shanxi province.

The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development emphasized that the urban and rural construction departments of various cities should refine their work in accordance with the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Green Development of Urban and Rural Construction", increase their efforts in green building and building energy-saving technological innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. It is necessary to carry out carbon peaking and carbon neutralization in urban and rural construction in an orderly manner. In accordance with the Action Plan for Carbon Peaking in Urban and Rural Construction of Shaanxi Province, establish and improve the carbon emission calculation, statistics and monitoring standards and systems in Shaanxi urban and rural construction, and conduct assessments. It is necessary to promote the development of green buildings and the improvement of building energy efficiency, start the revision of the "Shaanxi Province Civil Building Energy Conservation Regulations", improve the energy efficiency of new buildings, promote energy conservation renovation of existing buildings, strengthen pilot demonstrations, and guide the high-quality development of green buildings. It is necessary to actively promote the development of prefabricated buildings, increase the implementation of policies, expand the scale of construction, and expand the application scope of prefabricated steel structure construction technology.

The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development stated that this year, the completed area of urban green buildings in the province accounts for 60% of the completed area of new buildings, and strives to reach 70%. The newly started prefabricated building area accounts for 24% of the newly built building area, and strives to reach 26%; the construction of geothermal energy buildings has a heating area of 1.8 million square meters.

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