Song Yan, deputy director of Shenzhen Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, led a team to investigate the development of Shenzhen's BIM industry


On the morning of May 27, 2022, Deputy Director Song Yan led a team to the Shenzhen Building Information Modeling Industry Innovation and Development Promotion Association (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal BIM Promotion Association) for investigation. Personnel responsible for BIM work from the Design Office, Urban Construction Office, Urban Construction Archives, Real Estate and Urban Construction Research Center of the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau participated in the survey. Twelve enterprises including Municipal Metro Group, Tianjian Group, Municipal Council, Huayang International, Aoyi Design, Geotechnical Engineering, and Swell Technology participated in the discussion.

At the meeting, the Municipal BIM Promotion Association reported the progress of the association's construction and BIM work, and the relevant companies introduced their own work progress in the application of BIM technology. The participants had a full exchange and discussion on the problems and difficulties in the promotion of BIM application in Shenzhen.

Deputy Director Song Yan fully affirmed the work done by the Municipal BIM Promotion Association and related companies to promote the development of the BIM industry. He pointed out that being able to accurately grasp the trend of the digital economy is the key force to promote the innovation and development of BIM technology in Shenzhen, and put forward requirements for the promotion and application of BIM in the next step: First, the relevant departments of the Municipal Housing Construction Bureau should seriously study the problems raised by each unit, take the initiative to think about what the company thinks, solve the worries of the company, and support the in-depth application and healthy development of BIM in the industry and enterprises. Second, the Municipal BIM Promotion Association should continue to play a good role as a communication platform, cooperate with the government to guide and promote the application of BIM to enterprises, attach importance to the localization of BIM, continuously expand BIM scenarios, and create a good atmosphere for BIM application. Third, industry associations and enterprises should actively explore the application of BIM technology in the field of construction industrialization and intelligent construction, and effectively promote the high-quality development of the construction industry. The fourth is to explore the construction of BIM data asset management system, achieve data sharing, support data transactions, and promote high-quality and efficient BIM data to support the construction and development of smart cities.

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