Qualified prefabricated buildings in Fuyang City, Anhui Province will be awarded 100 yuan per square meter



In order to implement the relevant national and provincial requirements on promoting the high-quality development of the construction industry, strive to develop the prefabricated construction industry into a new pillar industry. A few days ago, Fuyang City issued "Several Measures for Further Promoting the High-quality Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Fuyang City (Trial)", clarified 14 core measures to accelerate the development of prefabricated buildings.

The "Several Measures" clarifies that the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the city will reach 25% of new buildings in 2022, and it will increase year by year. By 2025, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the city will reach 40% of new buildings. At the same time, it is required that the proportion of prefabricated residential buildings should not be lower than the target of the year for new residential quarters with an above-ground construction area of more than 20,000 square meters, and the overall construction of prefabricated buildings in new residential quarters is encouraged. Newly built government-invested or state-owned investment-dominated affordable housing, shantytown renovation and public buildings should be given priority to prefabricated construction.

In terms of supporting policies, the "Several Measures" proposes that, in terms of bidding, prefabricated buildings with an assembly rate of more than 50% can be invited to bid in accordance with laws and regulations in the promotion and demonstration stage. In terms of floor area ratio, for commercial residential projects using prefabricated construction methods, the building area of the prefabricated part of the exterior wall does not exceed 3% of the total planned floor area, which may not be included in the calculation of the floor area ratio of the transaction land.

In terms of incentives and subsidies, for new prefabricated buildings of more than 20,000 square meters invested by social capital, and the assembly rate reaches more than 50%, a one-time incentive of 100 yuan per square meter will be given, with a maximum of 10 million yuan. In terms of capital supervision, commercial housing projects that meet the technical requirements of prefabricated buildings and have an assembly rate of more than 50% can appropriately reduce the key supervision ratio of project pre-sale funds. In terms of provident fund, if a housing provident fund loan is used to purchase commercial housing of prefabricated buildings higher than the minimum standard grade, the provident fund loan amount can be increased by 20%.

In addition, the "Several Measures" also make corresponding preferential provisions for the use of new wall materials to refund value-added tax, the introduction of large-scale special advanced equipment to exempt or deduct value-added tax, and to give priority to the declaration of excellent projects and civilized construction sites.

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