Xinjiang prefabricated building evaluation information management platform was launched online


The Xinjiang Autonomous Region's prefabricated building evaluation information management platform has been completed recently. Where are the prefabricated construction projects located? What is the assembly rate? What technical difficulties are there in the implementation process... These information can be displayed on the platform one by one.

On May 19, the reporter learned from China Construction Xinjiang Construction Engineering that the company is currently vigorously promoting the development of prefabricated buildings to achieve low-carbon green development. It has further strengthened government-enterprise cooperation, and organized the promotion and application of the prefabricated building evaluation information management platform developed in the autonomous region, laying a good foundation for further promoting the high-quality development of the construction industry.

According to reports, the platform effectively realizes the classified query, statistics and data display of enterprise information and project information through informatization, dataization and visualization technology. It is organically combined with digital maps to form a visual map display to dynamically control the distribution, types and evaluation levels of prefabricated buildings in the target area.

Kong Weiliang, senior engineer of the Technology Center of CSCEC Xinjiang Construction Engineering Research Institute, said that the platform construction was started in 2019, and after more than a dozen versions and hundreds of tests, the online commissioning was finally completed. After the prefabricated building projects in the autonomous region are included in the platform, experts will rate them.

The prefabricated building is a complex system engineering, and the design, production, construction, management and maintenance of the prefabricated building must be regarded as a complete system. After the platform is completed, the competent departments of housing and urban and rural construction in Xinjiang, as well as the construction, design, construction and other related units of prefabricated building projects, will carry out information entry and online evaluation through the platform.

The reporter learned from the Urumqi Construction Bureau (Civil Air Defense Office) that in the early stage, the bureau entrusted the Xinjiang Institute of Building Sciences to carry out research work on platform-related topics. The platform establishes a library of prefabricated building projects and serves as a basis for enjoying preferential policies for prefabricated buildings.

At present, Urumqi and its surrounding areas have successively created 1 national-level prefabricated construction park industrial base and 5 national-level prefabricated construction enterprise industrial bases. The annual designed production capacity of prefabricated construction enterprises is more than 7 million square meters, and the designed annual output of prefabricated bridge components is 1,000 columns, 320 beams, and 1,900 box beams.

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