The 3 cities of Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai will comprehensively promote high-star green buildings and prefabricated buildings


In 2025, the urbanization rate of the permanent population will reach about 68%, and the new civil buildings in cities and towns will fully implement the green building standards. In principle, new public buildings will be constructed of steel structures, and Jinan, Qingdao, and Yantai will determine key areas, and comprehensively promote high-star green buildings and prefabricated buildings... On May 18, the Information Office of the Shandong Provincial Government held a press conference to authoritatively interpret the "Notice of the General Office of the Shandong Provincial People's Government on Several Measures to Promote the Green Development of Urban and Rural Construction" recently issued by the General Office of the Provincial Government.

At the end of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the urbanization rate of the province's permanent population reached 63.05%

Li Li, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, introduced that since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the new urbanization of Shandong Province has been steadily advanced. At the end of the "13th Five-Year Plan", the urbanization rate of the province's permanent population reached 63.05%, and 14 national comprehensive pilot projects for new urbanization and 27 provincial-level pilot projects were established at a high level.

At the same time, the quality of the city continues to improve. A total of 801 kilometers of integrated pipe corridors, 1,659 square kilometers of sponge cities have been built, 50,000 hectares of new garden green space, and 5,379 kilometers of greenways have been built. The digital urban management system has achieved full coverage of cities and counties, and the number of historical buildings in each city and county has fully achieved the goal of "zeroing" and "reaching ten".

The countryside is more beautiful and livable. A total of 10.94 million rural household toilets have been newly renovated, 7.18 million households have been renovated for cleaning and heating, and more than 95% of the villages have realized the harmless treatment of domestic waste, and organized the creation of the second batch of 156 provincial-level pilot projects for the construction of beautiful village houses.

Accelerate the promotion of green construction. A total of 620 million square meters of green buildings have been built, 1.011 billion square meters of new and renovated energy-saving buildings, and 173 million square meters of prefabricated buildings.

The living environment has been significantly improved. All of the province's 329 sewage plants have reached the Class A discharge standard, black and odorous water bodies in built-up areas of cities divided into districts have been eliminated, and the urban and rural domestic waste incineration rate has reached 90%. The three national key cities of Jinan, Qingdao and Tai'an have basically completed the household waste classification system.

Clarify 18 work measures, including promoting the green development of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration, etc.

Li Li said that the "Several Measures" specified 5 key tasks and 18 work measures. These include building a space carrier for urban and rural green development, including three measures to promote the green development of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations, build green and low-carbon cities, and build beautiful and livable villages.

Promote the green upgrade of infrastructure, including promoting the integration of urban and rural infrastructure, promoting the systematization of ecological and environmental protection facilities, and promoting the convenience of public service facilities.

Promote the green transformation of construction methods, including actively promoting green construction, promoting the high-quality development of green buildings, improving the level of building energy efficiency, and promoting the reform of engineering construction organization methods.

Promote the formation of a green governance model, including promoting the construction of new smart cities, promoting the formation of a green lifestyle, promoting the comprehensive utilization of urban and rural waste, and strengthening the protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage.

Effectively strengthen organizational leadership, including strengthening responsibility implementation, strengthening policy support, strengthening scientific and technological innovation, and strengthening publicity and training 4 measures.

In principle, new public buildings will use steel structures

It is worth noting that the "Several Measures" put forward some innovative requirements for mission objectives and work measures. In terms of quantitative goals and tasks, a total of 42 quantitative indicators are listed around key tasks such as new urbanization, urban and rural sewage and waste treatment, urban and rural infrastructure construction, and building energy efficiency improvement, such as "the urbanization rate of the resident population will reach about 68% in 2025", "by 2025, the black and odorous water bodies in urban built-up areas and the rainwater and sewage combined pipeline network in the whole county (city, district) will achieve 'double zero', etc.

In terms of job requirements, for the jobs with early start, good foundation and great potential in Shandong Province, self-pressure and improvement of standards will strive to continue to be at the forefront of the country. For example, compare with the “Opinions on Promoting Green Development of Urban and Rural Construction” put forward by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council to “promote new urban buildings to be fully built into green buildings”. The "Several Measures" clearly states that "new urban civil buildings fully implement green building standards, and government-invested or mainly government-invested public buildings and other large public buildings shall be constructed in accordance with two-star and above green building standards."

In contrast to the "Opinions" put forward "vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, focusing on promoting the construction of steel structure prefabricated houses". "Several Measures" clarifies that "vigorously develop prefabricated buildings such as steel structures and concrete structures, and the land supply plan for construction land, architectural planning, and construction conditions should specify the proportion of prefabricated buildings and other relevant requirements, and implement them into the land use contract" and so on.

Shandong Province will further clarify the implementation path of key tasks to ensure effective and continuous progress. For example, in accordance with the requirements of the "Opinions" to "vigorously promote the application of renewable energy and encourage the integration and innovative development of smart photovoltaics and green buildings", the "Several Measures" put forward, "support the promotion of the large-scale development of rooftop distributed photovoltaics in the whole county. Newly built urban residential buildings, rural communities and public buildings that centrally supply hot water are fully installed with renewable energy hot water systems. Accelerate the application of clean energy buildings such as solar energy, shallow geothermal energy, biomass energy, and air energy, and promote clean heating renovation and central heating replacement.”

For areas with good work foundation and strong overall strength, Shandong Province will further improve work requirements and play a leading role in benchmarking. As the "Several Measures" put forward, "Jinan, Qingdao, and Yantai should identify key areas, comprehensively promote high-star green buildings and prefabricated buildings, and encourage other qualified regions to identify areas for the comprehensive promotion of high-star green buildings and prefabricated buildings”, etc.

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