The construction of the first batch of prefabricated residential projects in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province is progressing as scheduled

Author:ID: jjpetc


Dongguang resettlement community is a large and medium-sized project in the province and a major project in Jiujiang city. It is the first batch of high-quality residential communities built by assembly technology in Jiujiang City, with an assembly rate of 50%. Six months after the project started construction, the Science and Technology City has strengthened project scheduling management. Each construction unit optimized the plan, arranged the construction period scientifically and reasonably, worked hard to overcome the adverse impact of the epidemic on the construction, and adhered to the concept of green and low-carbon to promote the construction of the project. At present, the pile foundation construction of the project has been basically completed.

Walking into the construction site of the Dongguang resettlement community project, the oncoming scene is a hot construction scene. Dozens of excavators, cranes, tower cranes, and concrete pump trucks are busy working, and more than 500 construction workers and managers are sweating. The project plans to complete the foundation trench excavation, basement floor excavation and roof formwork erection of the surrounding underground garages of several buildings by the end of May, and strive to achieve more than half of the project progress by the end of October, and the first batch of capping can be completed in mid-November. In order to overcome the impact of the epidemic, the project department made advance arrangements for the entry of personnel and materials to ensure the construction demand of 800 people at the same time during the peak period in the future.

It is understood that the Dongguang resettlement community is connected to Meilu 2nd Road in the east, Fanglan 2nd Road in the south, Fanglan 2nd Road in the west, and Fanglan 1st Road in the north, with a total investment of 586 million yuan and an area of 121 mu. The construction area is nearly 210,000 square meters. China Railway Fourth Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and Jiangxi Zhonglian Construction Co., Ltd. will undertake the construction according to the proportion of 50%, and Jiujiang City Planning and Design Group Co., Ltd. will be responsible for the project design. A total of 20 residential buildings with 11-18 storeys and 1,236 housing units will be constructed in the project, with 4 types of units ranging from 90 to 120 square meters. There are cultural activity stations, indoor fitness venues, health service stations, old-age service rooms, as well as kindergartens, public toilets and other supporting facilities. The project combines the current planning of supporting facilities, commercial and other service facilities in Weilan Beverly Community to form a fully functional residential area. The project is expected to complete the delivery in October 2023.

The person in charge of the construction unit introduced that in recent years, the promotion of prefabricated buildings in Jiujiang has been increasing year by year. According to the regulations, the proportion of the newly started area of prefabricated buildings in the city to the total area of new buildings in 2021 is not less than 30%. The assembly rate of the residential part of the Dongguang resettlement community has reached 50%, which is a concrete manifestation of the deep integration of the construction industry, industrialization and intelligence in the science and technology city. The construction of prefabricated buildings is more energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and the progress controllability is improved. At the same time, the design life and seismic performance of prefabricated residential buildings are the same as those of traditional reinforced concrete residential buildings, which fully comply with national standards.

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