Shijiazhuang City: Clarify the implementation scope of prefabricated buildings, and strictly prohibit the cancellation of prefabricated construction without authorization


The "Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Prefabricated Buildings" (hereinafter referred to as "Notice") issued by the Shijiazhuang City Prefabricated Building Development Leading Group Office clearly pointed out that the housing and construction bureaus of all counties (cities, districts) must strictly implement the requirements for the proportion of prefabricated buildings stipulated in the "Implementation Opinions on Vigorously Developing Prefabricated Buildings" (Shizheng Regulations [2018] No. 5) of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Government. It is strictly forbidden to cancel the prefabricated construction without authorization for the project identified by the competent department and passed the municipal prefabricated construction expert review meeting.

Strengthen the implementation of the main responsibilities of all parties involved in prefabricated buildings. The "Notice" emphasizes that construction, survey, design, plan review, construction, supervision, testing, component production and other units must conscientiously implement relevant policy documents and technical standards for prefabricated buildings. Effectively perform their respective responsibilities, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and ensure that the project is implemented in strict accordance with the drawings that have passed the expert review. During the construction of the project, without the consent of the Shijiazhuang City Prefabricated Building Development Leading Group Office, it is strictly forbidden to change the design content without authorization and reduce the assembly rate. If it is really necessary to change, you should contact the Shijiazhuang City Prefabricated Building Development Leading Group Office in time, and re-apply for the expert review meeting to review the assembly rate.

Combined with the actual progress of the work, the conditions for the project to be exempted from construction are clarified. The "Notice" clarifies that if the project does have special circumstances and is not suitable for prefabricated construction, it may apply for a prefabricated building exemption. The construction-free prefabricated buildings in Qiaoxi District, Chang'an District, Yuhua District, and Xinhua District are decided by the Shijiazhuang City Prefabricated Building Development Leading Group Office, and other counties (cities, districts) are decided by the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau where the project is located.

The "Notice" also clarifies that the following new projects (determined according to the approval document) may not be required for the construction of prefabricated buildings, and those constructed voluntarily and in compliance with the provisions of the documents can enjoy relevant preferential policies:

1. Constructing only one building;

2. The total building area on the ground is less than 5,000 square meters;

3. Structures, garbage stations, supporting equipment rooms, guard rooms, etc. independently set up in the project. Such buildings (structures) shall not be used as the basis for approving the construction proportion of prefabricated buildings;

4. The building height exceeds 100 meters;

5. Industrial buildings on industrial land;

6. Due to the basic reasons such as complex shape and special functional requirements, after expert demonstration, it is believed that the prefabricated building construction method is not suitable;

7. Other prefabricated buildings can be exempted from the construction of prefabricated buildings in accordance with the policy documents of Shijiazhuang City and should not be constructed by prefabricated buildings.

The "Notice" requires that the housing and construction bureaus of all counties (cities, districts) should conscientiously implement their territorial management responsibilities, perform their daily supervision duties, implement differentiated supervision of prefabricated building projects, and establish a strict prefabricated building supervision system. The affiliated wall-renovation and energy-saving institutions shall strengthen the supervision of assembly rate during project implementation, and the quality and safety supervision institutions shall strengthen project quality and safety supervision according to the characteristics of prefabricated construction projects. If it is found that the prefabricated building project is not constructed according to the drawings, it shall be ordered to make corrections according to the law, and administrative penalties shall be imposed to ensure that the assembly rate requirements are met. At the same time, the investigation and handling shall be reported to the Shijiazhuang City Prefabricated Building Development Leading Group Office in time. For projects that issue a letter of approval for the construction of prefabricated buildings, the county (city, district) housing and construction bureaus must establish a ledger, follow up the progress of project procedures, verify the enjoyment of construction area awards, and urge the project to apply for expert review in the design stage of prefabricated buildings in a timely manner after the project review is completed.

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