2022 Jiangsu Province Green Building and Construction Technology Work Symposium Held



On May 11, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a symposium on the province's green building and construction technology work in the form of video. To study and promote key tasks in green buildings, building energy conservation, modernization of the building industry, construction technology, and engineering construction standards, deputy director Liu Dawei attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Liu Dawei affirmed the province's green building and construction science and technology work in 2021, systematically analyzed the new situation and new goals currently facing, and put forward requirements on how to do a good job in 2022. He emphasized that all localities should conscientiously implement the work arrangements of the central government, the provincial party committee and the provincial government on promoting the green development of urban and rural construction, and carefully organize against the annual goals to ensure the smooth completion of the annual goals and tasks.

Liu Dawei requested that we should focus on carbon peaking in the construction field, improve the comprehensive performance of green buildings, promote the improvement of energy efficiency of existing buildings, and promote the high-quality development of green buildings. It is necessary to focus on promoting the standardization of prefabricated components, vigorously promote assembly and decoration, continue to strengthen demonstration and promotion, and steadily promote the modernization, transformation and development of the construction industry. It is necessary to promote innovative research in the construction field, assist the construction of scientific and technological innovation carriers, and continue to improve the engineering construction standard system; it is necessary to strengthen the summary and improvement of demonstration projects, and continuously improve the scientific and technological innovation and standard support capabilities.

The meeting invited the responsible comrades of the Building Energy Conservation Division of the Standards and Quotas Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and related enterprises to make special reports. The districts and cities exchanged work situation and plans, and put forward opinions and suggestions.

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