The Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Linyi City, Shandong Province organized a meeting to promote the prefabricated construction work


On May 11, Linyi Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau organized a meeting to promote prefabricated construction work. Zhang Jimin, member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and fourth-level researcher Su Yanhao presided over the meeting. The leaders of the county and district housing and construction bureaus, the business departments and the responsible comrades of the construction drawing review agencies attended the meeting.

The meeting thoroughly implemented the spirit of the city's housing and urban-rural construction work conference, implemented the requirements of the higher authorities on the development of prefabricated buildings, and conveyed the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for Promoting Green and Low-Carbon County Construction in Linyi City" and other documents from the 15 departments. And interpret the "Key Points and Task Decomposition Plan for Prefabricated Buildings in Linyi City in 2022", analyze and report the development of prefabricated buildings in the city in the first quarter, and research and deploy current and next steps.

The meeting pointed out that in the first quarter, the proportion of new construction area of prefabricated buildings in the city still lags behind the provincial and municipal task requirements, and there are some shortcomings and deficiencies. It is necessary to deeply analyze the causes of the problems, strengthen organizational leadership, clarify work measures, and tighten and compact responsibilities. Accelerate the promotion and application of prefabricated buildings, and promote the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of Linyi's construction industry.

The meeting requested that the "Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Review of Construction Drawing Design Documents" of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Provincial Department of Finance should be strictly implemented, the development requirements of prefabricated buildings should be included in the review of construction drawings, and the policy review of construction drawings should be effectively played. It is necessary to further improve and improve the supporting policy system, solidly promote the construction of the pilot city of steel structure prefabricated houses in Linyi City, fully implement various incentive and reward policies, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises in various industries, and cultivate and build prefabricated construction industry clusters.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to use the work style of "strictness, meticulousness, realism and speediness", anchor the work goals, and keep an eye on the project to implement. Increase the supervision of the start of prefabricated construction projects, strengthen full coverage and regular scheduling by region and category, and urge development and construction units to actively promote the start of project construction. The municipal government has incorporated the development of prefabricated buildings into the assessment of the total energy consumption and intensity of the county and district governments, and the "double control" target responsibility assessment and the new round of "four reductions and four increases" work evaluation index system assessment content. The Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will increase its supervision and assessment, implement "one dispatch per month and one notification per quarter", and conduct special supervision on counties and districts where work is not well advanced to ensure the implementation of key tasks.

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