Shaanxi Construction Holding Group's New Construction Industrialization Research Center was officially inaugurated


On May 12, Shaanxi Construction Holding Group held the 2022 Science and Technology Innovation Work Conference. Group General Manager Mao Jidong attended the meeting and emphasized that innovation should drive development, technology empowers transformation, and strives to become a world-class modern comprehensive construction service provider. At the meeting, the "Shaanxi Construction Engineering Holding Group Co., Ltd. New Construction Industrialization Research Center" established in Shaanxi Construction Industry and Investment Group was unveiled, and Shaanxi Construction Industry and Investment Group's "Key Technology Research on Urban Comprehensive Pipe Gallery Construction" won the Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award.

It is understood that the research center will closely follow the direction of national policies and focus on technical research in the fields related to the industrialization of new buildings. Relying on prefabricated actual engineering projects to carry out related new structural system, standardized design, production of parts and components, prefabricated decoration, prefabricated building quality inspection, prefabricated technical training and other whole industry chain technology research and consulting services.

"Research on Key Technologies of Urban Comprehensive Pipe Gallery Construction" mainly studies the construction technology, quality acceptance method and joint waterproofing technology of comprehensive pipe gallery structure engineering. Relying on the research results of this project, Shaanxi Construction Industry and Investment Group has successively completed 1 key project of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, 3 local standards, 1 provincial construction method, 2 core journal papers, 1 authorized invention patent and 5 utility model patents. The research results fill the gap in the field of integrated pipe gallery connection technology in Shaanxi Province, reaching the domestic leading level, which is a further extension of the research of Shaanxi Construction Industry and Investment Group in the industrial chain of construction industrialization.

In recent years, Shaanxi Construction Industry and Investment Group has attached great importance to scientific and technological research and development investment, vigorously implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, deepened the reform of the scientific research system, accelerated the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and achieved a series of scientific research results. The establishment of the new construction industrialization research center will effectively promote the scientific research and innovation ability of Shaanxi Construction Industry and Investment Group in the field of new construction industrialization, and provide strong scientific and technological support for promoting the high-quality development of enterprises.

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