Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province realizes the centralized procurement of green building materials "one time without running"


Adhering to the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", focusing on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, after undertaking the pilot task of government procurement to support green building materials to improve building quality, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province has given full play to the function of government procurement policies to promote the application of green buildings and green building materials. In 2021, Huzhou will add a green building area of 23.239 million square meters, an increase of 41.6% year-on-year, and reduce carbon emissions by about 569,200 tons. All of them will be implemented in accordance with the green building design standards, and the proportion of two-star and above green buildings will reach 31.2%. The city's green loan balance reached 21.819 billion yuan, an increase of 56.25%, accounting for 11.15% of all loans. At present, there are 12 pilot projects in Huzhou City, and 4 pilot projects have actually started construction.

Huzhou City adheres to the theme of digital empowerment and multi-span collaboration, and builds a "multi-span" linkage system for centralized procurement of green building materials. First, establish a "one-time-no-run" standard update mechanism. Huzhou City has formulated the "Basic Requirements for Government Procurement of Green Buildings and Green Building Materials in Huzhou City", which includes 3 categories and 39 kinds of green building materials product indicators involving structural materials and components (including products with Huzhou characteristics including elevators, floors, etc.). Through the cloud service platform, we can obtain the guidance of experts from the housing and urban-rural construction and financial departments to upgrade and revise the standards in a timely manner. During the pilot process, Huzhou has set five application scenarios, namely credit review, on-site inspection, third-party evaluation, completion acceptance, and green building evaluation, to refine product indicators and serve the standard update requirements of various building materials manufacturers. Secondly, we will build an electronic trading platform of “One Netcom Kan”. Form a service platform for Huzhou government procurement to support green development, including green building materials, green products and green financial sectors. Relying on the technical advantages of Zhengcaiyun, the platform supports online batch centralized procurement, and realizes the digitization of green building materials standards and the formulation of auxiliary expert review. Online testing entrustment, acceptance, and intelligent comparison of testing reports; efficient and convenient agreement shortlisting and batch centralized procurement organization, and feature functions such as bid evaluation without meeting in the whole process. As of the end of April 2022, the platform has completed 26 green building materials transaction orders totaling 131 million yuan. Finally, the promotion and application of "unblocked road" green building materials will be realized. At present, there are 54 registered suppliers and 83 products on the shelves of the Huzhou Green Building Materials Museum platform, realizing the display and promotion of green products. Support users to carry out small and sporadic purchases, and specially develop a list of green building projects, and projects in the library can directly obtain qualifications for financial support.

In terms of supplier access and withdrawal, fees, etc., Huzhou City manages suppliers compliantly and efficiently to achieve a win-win situation. The first is to clarify the rules of business entry and exit. In terms of access, in addition to providing basic compliance qualifications, brand manufacturers are also required to provide a letter of commitment and a trademark registration certificate. Distributors only need to provide a letter of commitment. In terms of withdrawal, suppliers who have seriously violated platform norms and violated regulations and disciplines will be withdrawn. The second is to standardize the management of platform fees. The platform does not currently charge suppliers' entry fees and transaction commissions, but only charges suppliers for services voluntarily purchased, such as testing and certification services. The third is to promote the application of green building by merchants. Encourage and guide the construction of projects below the project quota, adopt "factory direct sales, unit direct purchase" and other methods, and preferentially purchase green building materials through the Huzhou Municipal Government Procurement Support Green Development Service Platform. For projects that are government procurement projects, if the bidding supplier promises to provide green building materials that meet the basic requirements, additional points will be awarded.

As the country's first green product certification city, Huzhou also actively carries out product certification for green building materials companies. Set up the Zhejiang Green Certification Alliance Huzhou Center, take the lead in exploring the implementation path of green product certification, introduce a green standard system, and establish a certification evaluation mechanism. 33 implementation rules for alliance certification have been formulated, among which 6 types of alliance certification implementation rules such as wood-based panels and wooden floors have been upgraded to national green product certification implementation rules. Combined with market consumption demand, enterprises are encouraged to promote "low-carbon" transformation with green product certification, and promote green production to guide green consumption. Through the establishment of a unified green product certification and labeling system, certified companies have achieved a 6.9% increase in sales for three consecutive years. Collaborate to promote the three-in-one of green product certification, 3C certification, and "brand character label" certification to achieve "one certification, multiple certificates" and reduce institutional transaction costs for enterprises. Promote the incorporation of certified green product enterprises into the "same line, same standard and same quality" project to boost domestic and international dual circulation.

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