Beibei District, Chongqing: Prefabricated buildings improve construction "efficiency"


▲On May 9, 2022, the China Railway Construction Southwest Green and Intelligent Building Industry Base in Caijia Smart New City, Beibei District, began trial production of the shield tunnel segments of Rail Transit Line 24. Reporter Wan Difficulty Photo/Visual Chongqing

Recently, the first comprehensive prefabricated building industrialization base in Chongqing, China Railway Construction Southwest Green Intelligent Building Industry Base, was completed in Caijia Smart New City, Beibei District. The base adopts modular production of building accessories and assembles them on the construction site, transferring traditional "site operations" to "factory operations", improving construction efficiency, reducing labor costs and reducing environmental pollution.

According to reports, the product is mainly used in housing construction, public transportation and municipal infrastructure construction, and produces prefabricated segments for Chongqing rail transit and high-speed railway under construction.

▲ Trial production of shield tunnel segments of Rail Transit Line 24 began. Reporter Wan Difficulty Photo/Visual Chongqing

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