More than 20 provincial and municipal industry associations and industry alliances jointly issued the "Shenzhen Declaration" for the industrialization of new buildings


On the morning of September 17, the Shenzhen Construction Industrialization Association, together with the Prefabricated Construction Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, Shanghai Construction Association, Tianjin Prefabricated Construction Industry Association, Jiangsu Construction Industry Modernization Innovation Alliance and other industry associations and industry alliances from nearly 20 provinces and cities across the country, jointly issued the "Joint Declaration on the High-quality Development of New Construction Industrialization" (hereinafter referred to as “Joint Declaration”) at the 3rd International (Shenzhen) Summit Forum on the Industrialization of New Buildings. They have gathered industry forces from six aspects, namely, implementing the "two mentions and two reductions", accelerating scientific and technological innovation, and strengthening personnel training, and sounded the charge for the development of new construction industrialization.

More than 20 provincial and municipal industry associations and industry alliances jointly issued the "Shenzhen Declaration" for the industrialization of new buildings

The construction industry is a pillar industry for the development of the national economy, and the industrialization of a new type of construction represented by prefabricated buildings is an important starting point for the upgrading and transformation of the construction industry. Since the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Vigorously Developing Prefabricated Buildings" (Guobanfa [2016] No. 71) was issued and implemented, the industrialization of new types of buildings represented by prefabricated buildings has advanced rapidly, and the construction level and quality of buildings have been significantly improved. According to relevant data, 420 million m² of newly constructed prefabricated buildings nationwide were started in 2019, an increase of 45% over 2018, accounting for approximately 13.4% of the newly built building area. In 2019, the area of newly constructed prefabricated buildings nationwide increased by 45% compared with 2018, and the average annual growth rate in the past four years was 55%.

Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued 13 ministries and commissions and nine departments successively issued "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Coordinated Development of Intelligent Construction and Building Industrialization", "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Industrialization of New Buildings" and other important documents. They have pointed out the direction and path for the current and next stage to promote the industrialization, digitalization and intelligentization of construction, accelerate the transformation of construction methods, and promote the high-quality development of the construction industry.

It is understood that the "Joint Declaration" was drafted jointly by Shenzhen Construction Industrialization Association and Jiangsu Construction Industry Modernization Innovation Alliance and other associations and alliances. It aims to implement the requirements of the State Council, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other relevant documents for the development of prefabricated buildings, implement the national spirit of construction quality, promote the in-depth integrated development of new-type construction industrialization, further promote the high-quality development of the industry, enhance the competitiveness of my country's construction industry, and effectively improve The people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

"The release of the "Joint Declaration" demonstrates the responsibility and responsibility of industry organizations and is a full response of industry forces to the development direction of the new era. In the year when the 13th Five-Year Plan is about to end and the 14th Five-Year Plan is about to begin, the "Joint Declaration"  will further unite our forces, which is of great significance to actively promote the in-depth and long-term development of the comprehensive new-type construction industrialization and to create an internationally competitive Chinese construction brand." The relevant person in charge of Shenzhen Construction Industrialization Association said.

Leaders of construction authorities at all levels, including the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province, and the Shenzhen Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, as well as more than 1,000 colleagues in the construction industrialization industry across the country, witnessed the release ceremony.

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