Passive ultra-low energy buildings are booming in Baoding City, Hebei Province


Recently, Baoding Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau invited national and provincial experts to form a review committee to conduct expert review on some buildings in the Yihe Yayuan Community project developed and constructed by Zhuozheng Real Estate.

While carefully listening to the detailed report on construction practices and construction details of the general contractor Hebei Zhuozheng Industrial Group Co., Ltd., the expert group carefully reviewed the design documents, construction organization plan, supervision implementation rules and other documents and reports. On-site inspection of the project entity, unanimously agreed that the project complies with the passive ultra-low energy consumption building construction standards, the construction technology and construction details meet the requirements of the passive ultra-low energy consumption building construction stage, and passed the expert review of the passive ultra-low energy consumption building construction stage. This means that another batch of passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings will soon enter people's lives and play an active role in urban energy conservation and carbon reduction.

This time, some buildings of the Yihe Yayuan Community Project passed the expert review during the construction stage, which is a microcosm of Baoding's vigorous development of passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings. In recent years, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings in Baoding have developed rapidly and achieved remarkable results. The Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau resolutely implements the decisions and deployments of higher authorities, innovates and promotes measures, and expands the scale of construction. Policy documents such as "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Development of Passive Ultra-low Energy Consumption Green Buildings (Trial)" and "Baoding City's Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Development of Passive Ultra-low Energy Consumption Building Industry" have been issued successively to support the development of passive ultra-low energy consumption building industry. A relatively complete incentive, promotion, and regulatory policy system and a new situation for vigorous development will be formed.

After several years of development, passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings in Baoding have grown from scratch, from weak to strong, from single to multiple, forming a self-contained and unique development model. According to the statistics of the Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development, up to now, the city has built 21 passive ultra-low energy consumption building projects, with a construction area of 1.379 million square meters, ranking second in the province in terms of construction scale. In 2021, the city's newly constructed passive ultra-low energy consumption building area will be 218,600 square meters, and the total annual construction volume will be the first in the province. This year, the newly started construction area has reached 178,000 square meters, taking the lead in the province.

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