BROAD Residential and Tencent Cloud Reach Strategic Cooperation


The scene of the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation between BROAD Homestay and Tencent Cloud.

On May 6, Yuanda Housing Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "BROAD Residential") and Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tencent Cloud") signed a strategic cooperation agreement, officially announcing as strategic partners. Based on the full-process digital information system of BROAD Residential Industry and its globalized, large-scale, specialized and intelligent prefabricated building manufacturing and service capabilities, as well as Tencent Cloud's advantages in the field of full-real interconnection, digital twin, enterprise digitization, AI platform, cloud services and other fields, the two parties will explore strategic cooperation in market development, technical cooperation, product research and development, etc., and jointly innovate to create development opportunities.

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of BROAD Residential Industry, Grand Mofang Technology is committed to building a green and intelligent space product company based on a digital supply chain. Promote the industrialization of construction into the product era with "national-level" intelligent manufacturing genes, constantly subvert the definition of future living space, and realize industrial innovation. Tencent Cloud gives full play to its product and technological advantages in the fields of cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence to provide BROAD with practical solutions. The two parties will work together to help the real implementation of digital projects such as smart parks, smart communities, and Mofang Quanzhen Internet Park.

Hu Shengli, Co-President of BROAD Housing Industry and CEO of Mofang Technology, said that China's construction industry has ushered in a major historical opportunity to revolutionize the past. Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, speed up the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and achieve green and low-carbon development. In terms of "location", BROAD Housing has been developing the first-generation prefabricated buildings since 1998, and is a well-deserved leader in the industrialization and productization of construction. We are currently in the VUCA era. Therefore, grasping the "certainty" of the country's development of construction industrialization and grasping the opportunities in the development path of the industrial Internet has become the meaning of the title of the strategic cooperation agreement signed between BROAD Residential and Tencent Cloud today, and it is the key node of "climate, favorable location, and people". It is believed that with the empowerment, support and assistance of Tencent Cloud, we will successfully develop this new market blue ocean. Realize the mission of creating customer demand through technological innovation and business model innovation to cross the economic cycle and the fog of the epidemic.

Chen Ping, vice president of Tencent Cloud, said that under the wave of digitalization, more and more enterprises are not satisfied with traditional systems and seek new business growth opportunities through the application of cutting-edge technologies. Tencent Cloud has the cutting-edge technology advantages that have been tempered for a long time, and it is fully open while making continuous breakthroughs. What all parties need is no longer a single point application of digital technology, and cloud vendors need to be deeply involved in the transformation strategy of enterprises. Through overall planning and the in-depth integration of digital technology with products and business scenarios, we can help enterprises to transform and upgrade from the inside out, all-round and in-depth, and help the growth of corporate value and social value of entities. BROAD Residential is the first enterprise in China's prefabricated construction industry to fully use the full-process digital information system, and also the first enterprise to have a full-industry chain technology system with exclusive intellectual property rights. It provides globalized, large-scale, specialized and intelligent prefabricated building manufacturing and services. The cooperation between the two parties will magnify each other's advantages, and there is a wide range of cooperation space in the areas of digital and intelligent new infrastructure, enterprise digital upgrade, and industry intelligent solution development.

In the future, BROAD Residential and Tencent Cloud will face the market and help more traditional enterprises transform and upgrade. The two parties will conduct targeted cooperation and research and development in the fields of smart parks, smart communities, and full-true interconnection. Create key cooperation projects in the fields of intelligent construction, smart cities, industrial towns, and enterprise digital upgrading, and replicate and promote them nationwide to achieve broader and in-depth strategic cooperation.

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