In the first half of 2020, the newly-built prefabricated buildings in Guangdong Province exceeded 14.7384 million square meters


A few days ago, the General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development announced the second batch of prefabricated construction model cities and industrial bases. Guangdong Province has made another gain. Among them, Foshan City and six enterprises have been approved for the second batch of prefabricated construction industrial bases. In recent years, Guangdong Province has vigorously promoted the development of prefabricated buildings. In the first half of 2020, more than 14,738,400 square meters of prefabricated buildings were newly started in the province, accounting for 10.52% of the newly built building area.

The General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development announced the second batch of prefabricated building model cities and industrial bases. Foshan City, Guangdong Province was approved as the second batch of prefabricated building model cities. Six Guangdong enterprises including Hong Kong Huayi Design Consultants (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd., South China University of Technology Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Guangshengda Construction Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Gsin Green Construction Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Lanty Metal Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. were approved as the second batch of prefabricated construction industrial bases.

In the first half of 2020, the newly-built prefabricated buildings in Guangdong Province exceeded 14.7384 million square meters

The development of prefabricated buildings is an important decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. In recent years, Guangdong Province has adhered to the general keynote of seeking progress while maintaining stability, constantly improving supporting policies and technical standard systems, cultivating market players and industrial teams, speeding up project construction, and promoting the development of the entire industrial chain of prefabricated buildings. Up to now, the province has 1 national prefabricated construction demonstration city, 1 model city, 21 national prefabricated construction industrial bases, and 66 provincial prefabricated construction industrial bases, which are for the development of the province’s prefabricated construction industry. It has set a benchmark and played a leading role in demonstration. In the first half of 2020, more than 14,738,400 square meters of prefabricated buildings were newly started in the province, accounting for 10.52% of the newly built building area.

In the next step, Guangdong Province will continue to play the role of prefabricated building model cities and industrial bases as a demonstration and leading role and industry support, timely explore and summarize a batch of replicable and extendable prefabricated building development experience, and vigorously promote the various tasks of prefabricated buildings. At the same time, Guangdong Province will plan to formulate the "14th Five-Year" prefabricated building development plan, strengthen top-level design, continue to improve policy measures, institutional mechanisms and standard quotas, and increase scientific and technological innovation. It is necessary to strengthen and expand the prefabricated construction industry, improve the integrated design, construction and full decoration level of prefabricated buildings, and promote the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings.

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