"Smart construction site" helps prefabricated building construction technology to be safely implemented



A few days ago, the China Merchants Zhenfu (excluding pile foundation) project undertaken by the second company of China Construction First Bureau won the honorary titles of "Guangdong Province Housing and Municipal Engineering Safety Production and Civilized Construction Demonstration Site" in 2021 and "Guangdong Province Construction Engineering Project Construction Safety Production Standardization Site" in 2021.

The project adopts prefabricated construction technology, and the assembly rate is as high as 64.28%. The main structure mainly adopts prefabricated components, including prefabricated balconies, prefabricated exterior walls, prefabricated stairs, etc., which truly realizes the application of prefabricated construction technology and builds a smart site management platform. Including VR experience, safety experience hall, behavioral safety star, monitoring coverage, equipment operation monitoring, personnel behavior monitoring, drone aerial photography, big data synthesis, etc. Use digital information technology to improve the safety production level of construction sites, solve problems such as untimely communication and information sharing on construction sites, and real-time implementation of management systems, and realize intelligent production on construction sites.

In order to fully implement the company's and Shenzhen's safety management system and create a safe and double-optimized construction site, the project department first planned, listed measures, suppressed responsibilities, promoted combined safety education, and fixed grid management. Through the incentives of behavioral safety stars, the enthusiasm of on-site personnel is fully motivated, and safety demonstration posts for management personnel and construction personnel are created, and smart construction sites are used to jointly create safe projects.

The relevant person in charge of the project said, "The honorary titles of the demonstration site of safe production and civilized construction and the standardization of safe production are not only an affirmation of our past management achievements, but also a spur to our future work. We will always maintain the work attitude of "frightened, as if facing the abyss, and walking on thin ice", so that the concept of safety is rooted in the hearts of every construction worker. We will make every effort to create a safety management demonstration site where "everyone stresses safety and always has safety", and jointly promote the construction of safety projects. "

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