The Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Weifang City, Shandong Province organized special assistance activities for prefabricated construction work


In order to conscientiously implement the requirements of the "Work Style Construction Improvement Year" and "Industry Standardized Management Year", speed up the prefabricated construction work in Weifang City, and ensure that the annual target tasks are completed on time, according to the unified deployment of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, from April 20th to 30th, the Municipal Real Estate Industry Development Service Center organized two assistance groups to provide special assistance to the city's prefabricated construction work.

This assistance work mainly provides special assistance for the establishment of the prefabricated building working mechanism, the implementation of responsibilities, the formulation of policies, the development of business work and the completion of target tasks.

The assistance team conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges with the relevant personnel of the competent departments of various counties and cities on the key work of prefabricated buildings by listening to reports, checking materials, and watching the scene, etc. At the construction site, the construction drawings of the project were reviewed in detail, and the implementation of the prefabricated building was supervised and inspected. Provided targeted guidance on areas to be improved and improved in the work, helped to rectify existing problems within a time limit, and ensured that all work was carried out in a standardized and orderly manner.

In the next step, the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau will strengthen the dynamic work promotion mechanism, and continue to assist and supervise the prefabricated construction work in counties and urban areas by adopting methods such as "double randomness, one disclosure", and "Internet + supervision". Strengthen coordination and communication, solve outstanding problems, accelerate the promotion of prefabricated construction work, and ensure that the annual goals and tasks are completed on time.

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