Heilongjiang Province has promoted 71.88 million square meters of green buildings in the past five years



The reporter learned from the "People's Livelihood Special Session" held on the theme of "Welcome to the 13th Party Congress of the Province" held on April 27, that in the past five years,  the housing construction system of Heilongjiang Province has adhered to the concept of "people's cities are built for the people, and people's cities are for the people", with the theme of promoting high-quality development, and the main line of deepening supply-side structural reforms, coordinating urban development and security, and striving to promote the province's housing and urban-rural construction to continuously achieve new breakthroughs.

Xu Dongfeng

At the press conference, Xu Dongfeng, deputy director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Heilongjiang Province, introduced that he adhered to the positioning of "housing and not speculating" and steadily implemented the long-term mechanism for real estate. The added value of the real estate industry has accumulated to 345.68 billion yuan in five years, accounting for 4.6% of the regional GDP. Actively develop prefabricated buildings, promote energy-saving renovation of existing buildings and the application of renewable energy buildings, and promote green buildings of 71.88 million square meters. The province's construction industry has achieved a total output value of 647.05 billion yuan and an added value of 209.59 billion yuan.

The per capita housing area of urban residents has increased by more than 3 square meters, and the residential functions and supply quality have been greatly improved. A total of 469,800 sets of urban shanty town renovations have been started in the province, and the tough battle for shantytown renovation in the main urban areas of cities above the prefecture level has come to an end. Nearly one million shanty town residents are happy to move to new buildings. Completed the renovation of 76.16 million square meters of old urban communities, benefiting 988,000 households. In the past five years, a total of 6.621 billion yuan has been invested in fiscal funds to renovate 326,100 dilapidated houses in rural areas, and comprehensively realize the guarantee of housing safety for low-income and difficult groups in rural areas.

The province's new urban water supply capacity was 562,000 cubic meters per day, and the penetration rates of urban and county water supply pipe networks reached 98.93% and 91.97% respectively. The newly added central heating area is 220 million square meters, and the residential heating room temperature standard is raised to 20°C, making the body feel more comfortable. The province's newly increased urban sewage treatment scale was 777,000 cubic meters per day. The urban and county sewage treatment rates reached 97.54% and 95%, respectively. The length of urban natural gas pipelines exceeded 13,300 kilometers, and the urban gas penetration rate reached 90.8%.

50 harmless waste treatment facilities were built and put into use, and the newly added harmless waste treatment capacity was 17,200 tons/day. The harmless treatment rates of domestic waste in cities and counties reached 99.87% and 98.71% respectively. 11,300 public institutions in 13 central cities carried out garbage classification. In-depth promotion of the three-year action of rural living environment improvement, equipped with more than 20,000 garbage collection and transfer vehicles (sets). 182 garbage transfer stations and 7,640 village-level garbage sorting centers were built, and a domestic garbage collection and transfer system covering natural villages was established.

The approval time for the whole process has been reduced from an average of 200 working days to a maximum of 85 working days, and the average approval items have been reduced from more than 100 to 46. Promote "provided provident fund services without asking for help". Realize "one network" for the approval of the province's housing construction system, "one database" for basic data, and "one line" for industry supervision.

In the next five years, the province's housing construction system will grasp the new goals and new requirements of the new development stage, continuously meet the high-quality development of urban and rural construction and the people's longing for a better life, and contribute to the comprehensive revitalization of Longjiang.

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