Zhejiang Jiaogong Shangrao Construction Industrialization Base was officially put into operation



At 15:00 on April 28, the first prefabricated T-beam in the Jiangxi Shangrao Base of Zhejiang Jiaogong was successfully poured, becoming the second construction industrialization base outside the province that Zhejiang Jiaogong put into production after the Nanning Base in Guangxi. The national layout of Zhejiang Jiaotong Construction Industrialization, a subsidiary of Zhejiang Communications Group, has been further optimized, and 18 bases have successfully landed at home and abroad.

To ensure the smooth pouring of the first T beam, from July 2021, the Shangrao base will produce while construction, scientifically arrange the construction plan, strictly implement the construction organization, and seize the No. 2 production line of the prefabricated T beam. Strictly control the quality of concrete, construction technology, equipment configuration and safety control, etc., and successfully solve problems such as the conflict between steel bars and prestressed pipes.

In addition, the first prefabricated T-beam was 30m long, which made it difficult to pour. The base adopted the construction process of "layered pouring and step-by-step advancement" to ensure the smooth completion of the pouring task. It is reported that the first piece of prefabricated T beams will be used for the highway reconstruction project of the G320 Hurui Line from Yiyang Zhukeng to Guifeng. A total of 406 pieces of T beams will be prefabricated in the Shangrao base, with a construction volume of 14,800 square meters.

The Shangrao base was established in March 2021 and covers an area of 198 mu.

Up to now, the main body of the office building has been fully completed, 90% of the 1# steel bar workshop has been completed, and the base construction has achieved phased results. In the next step, the base will reverse the construction period and wall chart operations, speed up the delisting of the No. 6 plot, and actively connect with projects such as Wuchu overpass. Further expand the regional market for small components, blocks and other products to ensure full production in October 2022, and strive to build the Shangrao base into a demonstration base for Zhejiang Jiaotong Engineering and Engineering outside the province.

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