The first prefabricated horizontal strake of China Railway Fourth Bureau was assembled in Jiujiang


On April 28, the Jiujiang Water Environment Project of China Railway Fourth Bureau held an observation meeting on the assembly of prefabricated horizontal strakes with the owner unit. More than 50 people including the owner unit and supervision unit participated in the observation. This is also the first application of trench excavation and assembled slat support in China Railway Fourth Bureau.

During the construction process, the Project Coordination Bureau carried out construction safety remediation activities for small trenches (foundation pits). In view of the scattered and large number of "small trenches and small foundation pits" operation points, new technologies and tooling were actively implemented to ensure safe production. By optimizing the original strake support, under the condition that the foundation trench construction requirements of "layered excavation, layered support, and support along with excavation" are met, the production process test of "assembled support" is carried out. The "assembled support" is composed of baffles and buttresses. There are 2 assembly components in total, and the total weight of the assembly is 1 ton. After being assembled on the ground, an overall steel box structure is formed. As the trench is excavated in layers, it gradually sinks to the bottom of the trench. The entire construction process does not require personnel to go down the well, and the construction process is safe and controllable.

Since the establishment of the site, the project has carried out "innovative work" based on the actual situation of the site and the policy of "technical solutions guarantee safety, and technical processes determine quality". At present, the project has carried out 3 construction process optimizations. Based on the analysis of test production data and actual working conditions on site, optimization has been carried out in terms of improving support strength, reducing support weight, convenience and practicality, and actively promoting the implementation and mass production.

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