Fuyang City, Anhui Province explores and promotes the development path of prefabricated buildings



In recent years, Fuyang City has actively practiced the concept of green development, effectively promoted and promoted the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings, and focused on the four aspects.

One is the whole chain layout. Incorporate the development and policy formulation of prefabricated buildings into urban and rural construction development planning and green building materials industry planning, make appropriate arrangements in advance, and formulate binding policies. Using the method of gradually expanding and extending the demonstration area, make clear requirements for the star rating, assembly rate, quality, life, etc. of the buildings in the area, so that prefabricated buildings become a solution to energy conservation and environmental protection requirements, and become the best option for enterprises to make multiple-choice questions. 

The second is the whole process control. When the land for commercial residential development projects is transferred, the construction requirements of prefabricated buildings shall be implemented according to the area ratio, and the proportion of prefabricated buildings shall be increased year by year. During project initiation, design, drawing review, construction, and acceptance, the implementation of prefabricated building requirements shall be the key review and supervision content.

The third is to exert all-round force. For buildings with an assembly rate of more than 50%, the invitation to bid can be explored to optimize the project bidding process; for commercial housing that uses housing provident fund loans to purchase prefabricated buildings higher than the minimum standard level, the provident fund loan amount can be appropriately increased by 20%. The investment in prefabricated components of prefabricated buildings is allowed to be included in the construction investment and included in the progress measurement. For commercial housing projects that meet the technical requirements of prefabricated buildings and have an assembly rate of more than 50%, the key supervision ratio of pre-sale funds will be reduced by 20%.

The fourth is to reduce the burden in the whole field. Restrict the cost of electricity, water, and overall carbon emissions for enterprises, or reduce the construction cost of enterprises adopting prefabricated solutions, and the incremental cost is included in the construction cost; for projects with an assembly rate of more than 50%, subsidies will be given according to appropriate standards. The prefabricated prefabricated composite wallboard (body) materials that have been identified and included in the "Catalogue of New Wall Materials Enjoying the Policy of Immediate Value-Added Tax Refund" shall enjoy the policy of 50% of the value-added tax refund immediately. For prefabricated building production enterprises that introduce large-scale special advanced equipment, the purchase of machinery and equipment can be deducted from value-added tax and accelerated depreciation of fixed assets.

By the end of 2021, 10 prefabricated bases have been completed and put into production, and another 1 steel structure base and 1 PC component base are under construction. Modern parks for construction industries such as Yingzhou, Funan, and Yingshang have been formed. The construction area of prefabricated buildings was 3.2199 million square meters, accounting for 20.16%. The completed area is 2.8713 million square meters, accounting for 20.26%.

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