The prefabricated type leads the building innovation and upgrading, Meihao Real Estate is the first to enter the "double-carbon context"


In the "dual-carbon" era, how to achieve the dual-carbon goal and promote the sustainable development of cities has become an issue worthy of in-depth consideration. As one of the industries with the most energy consumption and carbon emissions, the construction industry is exploring a path that conforms to the dual-carbon context, that is, prefabricated buildings lead the way of green building innovation.

On March 11, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued two development plans in succession - the "14th Five-Year Plan for Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Science and Technology Development Plan" and the "14th Five-Year Plan for Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building Development Plan", which put forward more detailed development requirements for prefabricated buildings.

When the two plans became an important weather vane for the development of the construction and building materials industry during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, many companies turned to develop and align with the policies. However, those who can really take advantage of the policy east wind must be the beach grabbers who have already spotted the development trend and laid the groundwork. And Meihao Real Estate is one of the beach grabbers. With its excellent advantages, it is becoming a predecessor company in the industry to enter the "dual-carbon context".

Building development in the context of double carbon, prefabricated has been written into the policy several times

As Hugo said, architecture is a history book written in stone. In this book of human history development, architecture is the most important part, not only condensing the changes of architectural styles, but also condensing the continuous changes of architectural models; these have become the confirmation of the changes of the times.

Entering the 21st century, under the multiple backgrounds of stricter social environmental protection policies, ever-increasing labor shortages and technological breakthroughs, a new development model for the construction industry is accelerating. Since 2013, the central and local governments have continued to issue relevant policies to vigorously promote prefabricated buildings, and my country's construction industry has officially entered a stage of green revolution led by prefabricated buildings.

Beautiful Housing Intelligent Manufacturing Jiangxia Production Base

Today, under the national dual-carbon environment, the construction sector with high energy consumption and carbon emissions accounting for more than half of the country's total has become a key link in my country's promotion of "dual-carbon" work.

In February of this year, the "14th Five-Year Plan" Construction Industry Development Plan issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, mentioned prefabricated buildings with ultra-high frequency more than 15 times, setting off a wave of prefabricated buildings again.

On March 11, the policy on prefabricated buildings was mentioned again. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has successively issued two documents, the "14th Five-Year Plan for Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Science and Technology Development Plan" and the "14th Five-Year Plan for Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building Development", which more clearly point out: By 2025, all new urban buildings will be green buildings, and prefabricated buildings will account for 30% of the new urban buildings that year.

Therefore, it is currently a critical period for the implementation of the "dual carbon" goal, and prefabricated buildings have become a building craze and an era craze under the support of policies.

Advanced layout, beautiful real estate "refresh" the successful path of prefabricated

The development of prefabricated type is inevitable for the industry to advance, and it is also the best choice for enterprises seeking to transform and export. Data show that there are currently more than 14,000 prefabricated construction-related enterprises in my country. In 2021, there will be more than 2,300 newly registered companies, with a growth rate of 19.7%. 

However, as early as 2013, when the prefabricated building ushered in the development trend, Meihao Property started to build a modern factory of PC components by itself with a unique vision, and explored the path of corporate strategic upgrading, becoming the first enterprise in the real estate industry to advance the prefabricated building.

In 2017, the development of domestic prefabricated buildings blew all over the country. It is understood that Hainan, Changsha, Shandong and other places entered the fast lane for the development of prefabricated buildings, and more than 20 provinces achieved zero breakthroughs in prefabricated buildings. In the same year, Meihao Real Estate officially introduced the world's advanced superimposed shear wall technology and professional production equipment such as German Aibawei on a large scale, and deployed highly intelligent and world-leading PC factories in 13 key cities across the country.

Automated production line

In 2020, Meihao Real Estate, which has been in the field of prefabricated buildings for 7 years, once again proposed the "integrated model of housing intelligent manufacturing in the whole industry chain". Establish a complete housing solution for the whole value chain system from "planning and design" to "packaging", and focus on building "A-level prefabricated demonstration projects" all over the country. Among the 8 national standard A-level prefabricated building demonstration projects that have been implemented, the “Beautiful Talent Project” developed by Meihao Property in Chongqing will be selected as one of the seven national prefabricated intelligent construction pilot projects of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in 2021.

Prefabricated Demonstration Project

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, green buildings and prefabricated buildings have become the key words in the construction industry. When the prefabricated model has become the main route of enterprise transformation, it has also been favored by the capital market. Essence Securities once pointed out that the investment logic of the construction industry has changed from policy-driven to fundamentals, and is optimistic about the investment opportunities of prefabricated buildings in the context of carbon neutrality. According to the latest estimates from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, most PC prefabricated structures will achieve the same cost as cast-in-place in 2024; and after 2024, most types of PC structures will gain cost advantages over cast-in-place. This means that the prefabricated building model will become the darling of capital market attention and investment for a long time to come.

In the future, with the prospect of prefabricated buildings becoming more and more broad, it will take the lead in entering the "dual-carbon context" and realize the leap-forward development from traditional real estate development to prefabricated housing intelligent manufacturing, which will better promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry and accelerate the realization of the "dual carbon" goal.

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