Yichang City, Hubei Province saw a 70% year-on-year increase in prefabricated buildings in the first quarter



The factory makes the components and the construction site installs them. This is the prefabricated building. A few days ago, the reporter learned from Yichang Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau that in the first quarter, the city's new prefabricated buildings exceeded 1 million square meters, a year-on-year increase of 70%. In order to speed up the promotion of full coverage of prefabricated buildings, starting from March 1, civil buildings and industrial buildings within the planning scope of the central urban area of Yichang and the urban areas of various counties and cities will be clearly planned, designed and constructed according to the requirements of prefabricated buildings during land supply and project establishment.

At the construction site of Dajia·Qingchuan Mingyue Project in Xiling District, there is less harsh noise and dust. With the help of cranes, the workers skillfully unload and hoist the arrived prefabricated components, and quickly build a one-story house like "building blocks". Dajia · Qingchuan Mingyue is one of the first representatives of prefabricated projects in Yichang. According to the project drawings, the contractor will split the parts where the steel bar binding and formwork support is heavy on site to make prefabricated components.

At the construction site, a prefabricated laminated board on the crane caught the reporter's attention. Each prefabricated laminated board is attached with a QR code. Scan the QR code to see the component number, size, location of use, installation direction and other information. Each prefabricated component can be traced back to its source. The person in charge of the site introduced that the use of prefabricated interior wall panels saves the original traditional steps of bricklaying and plastering, which can not only greatly shorten the construction time, but also improve the quality problems such as wall cracking and leakage.

In recent years, Yichang has made great efforts to develop prefabricated buildings as the only way to achieve high-quality development of the construction industry and the core measures to achieve carbon peaks and carbon neutrality in the construction field. A policy system covering the whole chain from land transfer, planning and design, bidding, component production, quality supervision to completion acceptance has been constructed. Adhere to the control of the planning source, and incorporate the prefabricated building indicators into the land transfer conditions. Establish a prefabricated construction expert database, establish a BIM center, a design research center and an industrial worker practical training base, and guide colleges and universities to add prefabricated construction majors and courses. Promote the promotion of prefabricated buildings through technical seminars, exhibitions, observation meetings and other exchange activities.

The pedestrian underground passage in the Natural Tower Park of Yanjiang Avenue is the first pedestrian underground passage constructed by a prefabricated process in Yichang. It is expected to be completed in September." Using the prefabricated process, the construction period will be shortened by at least half." Huang Youguang, the project leader of the construction unit, introduced that since the construction is carried out in residential quarters and main roads, the construction space is not sufficient. The prefabricated construction method can effectively solve the problem of stacking raw materials.

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