Compilation of "Tianjin Prefabricated Building Construction Technology Exchange Achievements (2019 Edition)" completed


In order to further promote the prefabricated demonstration projects, adapt to the new development requirements of the popularization and promotion period of prefabricated buildings in 2021, and ensure the steady and orderly progress of prefabricated buildings in Tianjin, A few days ago, under the guidance of relevant departments of the Municipal Housing and Construction Commission, the Green Construction Center of the Municipal Housing and Construction Commission and the Tianjin Construction Industry Association organized the preparation of the "Tianjin Prefabricated Building Construction Technology Exchange Achievements (2019 Edition)".

In 2019, the Green Construction Center of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Committee and the Construction Industry Association carried out the "Prefabricated Demonstration Project Promotion Activity" based on the industry characteristics of prefabricated buildings, and conducted a series of research, exchanges and observation training on prefabricated building demonstration projects and key technologies. Good results have been achieved. In order to better promote the healthy development of the prefabricated construction industry in Tianjin, the organizer immediately organized the compilation of the "Compilation of Examples" after the series of activities. The compilation takes the Tianjin prefabricated demonstration project and other prefabricated practical technology "achievement cases" as the theme, and invites companies in Tianjin that have achieved certain results in the field of prefabricated construction. Experience sharing from the whole construction process of main structure, exterior protection, interior decoration and parts, and explore technological innovation in prefabricated construction practice. The Green Building Center of Tianjin Housing and Urban-rural Construction Committee and the Construction Industry Association played their respective advantages and expertise to summarize and refine the highlights and technical achievements of the series of observations and technical exchanges. The aim is to objectively reflect the current level of development of prefabricated buildings in Tianjin from the perspective of specific implementation, provide a reference for future promotion and application, enhance technical exchanges in the industry, and play a good lead and promote the development of prefabricated buildings in Tianjin City.

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