The newly started area of prefabricated buildings in Anhui Province in the first quarter increased by more than 21% year-on-year


On April 21, the reporter learned that in the first quarter of 2022, under the difficult circumstances of the continuous impact of the epidemic and unexpected factors exceeding expectations, the prefabricated construction work in Anhui Province made innovations and breakthroughs and achieved good results. In the first quarter, the newly started area of prefabricated buildings in the province was 9.0669 million square meters, a year-on-year increase of 21.89%; the proportion of newly-started areas of prefabricated buildings in new buildings was 25.62%, a year-on-year increase of 42.41%.

Judging from the newly started area of prefabricated buildings in various cities, the newly started prefabricated buildings in Hefei are 2.1319 million square meters, accounting for 23.51% of the province, ranking first in the province. Judging from the proportion of newly started construction areas of prefabricated buildings in the city to the new buildings in the city, Wuhu City accounted for 44.31%, the first city in the province to exceed 40%. Bengbu, Chuzhou and Tongling accounted for 37.03%, 35.92% and 35.80% respectively.

This year, the development of prefabricated buildings in Anhui Province ushered in a "good start". In addition to conscientiously implementing the "Opinions of the Anhui Provincial People's Government on Promoting the Development of the Prefabricated Building Industry", the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Green Development of Urban and Rural Construction" and the "Regulations on Green Building Development in Anhui Province" issued by the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government, they are also closely related to previous technology accumulation, market accumulation, and development model innovation.

In recent years, Hefei City has implemented the construction mode of "prefabricated building" + "general engineering contracting (EPC) + building information model (BIM) + new template + professional team + green building". The "Implementation Rules for Prefabricated Buildings FAR in Hefei City (Trial)" was issued, giving FAR incentives to prefabricated commercial buildings and cash subsidies to prefabricated affordable housing (including rural housing). In the land transfer stage, prefabricated buildings are included in the high-quality residential bidding index system, and market entities are guided to actively adopt the prefabricated building construction mode, which increases the market vitality of prefabricated buildings.

From 2020 onwards in Wuhu City, prefabricated buildings will be arranged to the maximum extent according to the actual situation in the land for new industrial projects and some public service facilities projects in the city. It is planned to arrange prefabricated buildings in the proportion of not less than 15%, 20%, and 30% in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively.

In the next step, Anhui Province will comprehensively promote the development of prefabricated buildings through a series of actions such as prefabricated building expert tours, on-site meetings, and skill competitions, and continuously meet the people's needs for high-quality buildings.

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