Guangdong Province will complete the energy-saving and green transformation of existing buildings with an area of more than 30 million square meters in 2025!


Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Development in Guangdong Province", proposing to improve the level of building energy conservation and carbon reduction.

The plan pointed out that by 2025, Guangdong will complete the energy-saving and green transformation of existing buildings with an area of more than 30 million square meters, and build 3 million square meters of ultra-low energy consumption and near-zero energy consumption buildings with Lingnan characteristics. The new building solar photovoltaic installed capacity is 2 million kilowatts, the renewable energy replacement rate of urban buildings reaches 8%, the building energy consumption structure is gradually optimized, and the proportion of electricity consumption in building energy consumption exceeds 80%. Develop star-rated green buildings, and promote the Pearl River Delta region to become a new highland for green building development. Star-rated green buildings account for more than 30% of new green buildings in cities and towns in the province. The proportion of prefabricated buildings in new urban buildings has reached 30%, the bulk cement rate has reached more than 75%, the green production of ready-mixed concrete enterprises has fully met the standards, new wall materials have been fully applied in new urban buildings, and the proportion of green building materials has been greatly increased.

In order to improve the quality of green buildings in the province and promote the development of star-rated green buildings, the plan proposes to strengthen the design requirements for residential health performance, pay attention to the needs of all ages, advocate climate adaptability, and highlight Lingnan characteristics. Focus on ventilation and lighting, shading and moisture-proof, improve building visual and psychological comfort, and reduce residential energy demand. Large-scale public buildings, office buildings of state organs, and other public buildings invested and constructed by state-owned funds shall be constructed in accordance with one-star and above green building standards. It also emphasizes strengthening the energy-saving management of super high-rise buildings, and the green building level shall not be lower than the three-star standard.

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