Promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry! Heilongjiang Province launches construction waste reduction pilot work


In order to speed up the reduction of construction waste in Heilongjiang Province and effectively promote the construction of a "no-waste city", the Housing and Urban-rural Development Department of Heilongjiang Province recently issued the "Pilot Work Plan for the Reduction of Construction Waste in Heilongjiang Province in 2022", arranging for the deployment of relevant work on the reduction of construction waste at the construction site.

Harbin City, Mudanjiang City, Jiamusi City, Daqing City, and Yichun City as pilot cities, new projects of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects above a certain scale. Comprehensively implement relevant measures for the reduction of construction waste, and other non-pilot cities select no less than 2 new projects as pilot projects for reduction. The "Plan" clarifies a total of 9 specific measures to promote the reduction of construction waste from three aspects: the early stage of construction, the process and the terminal disposal.

It is necessary to give full play to the leading role of new construction and new organizational models, promote prefabricated buildings, improve the factory prefabrication rate of building components and accessories, and adopt organizational models such as general project contracting and whole-process engineering consulting to promote the in-depth integration of design and construction. The construction unit should play a leading role, clarify the reduction targets and costs, and establish a corresponding reward and punishment mechanism. The design unit should play a guiding role, improve the design depth, and reduce the design changes during the construction process.

The construction unit should establish and improve the construction site reduction system, scientifically formulate special construction plans, strengthen the management and control of the construction quality process, strengthen the protection of finished projects, and actively apply advanced and applicable technologies such as BIM to reduce the loss rate of building materials and improve the utilization rate.

The construction unit should coordinate the "permanent combination" and reuse of temporary facilities, reduce the construction waste generated by the dismantling of temporary facilities, improve the on-site disposal and reuse rate of construction waste, carry out earthwork balance demonstration, promote the balanced utilization of engineering earthwork, and reduce the outbound transportation of muck. Strengthen the classification management of construction waste, strictly prohibit transport vehicles carrying unsorted waste from appearing on the field, strengthen the transportation management of outbound disposal of construction waste, and prevent unauthorized dumping and throwing.

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