The main body of the first A-level prefabricated residential building in southern Shaanxi is capped


Recently, the dormitory building of Shaanxi Construction Engineering (Ankang) New Building Materials Co., Ltd. completed the main structure project, marking the successful completion of the first A-level prefabricated building in Ankang area, and taking the lead in promoting the development of the prefabricated building industry policy in Ankang and even southern Shaanxi. 

The construction site of the project is located in Wuli Industrial Park, Ankang City, Shaanxi Construction Twelve New Building Materials Industrial Park, with a total investment of 23 million yuan. It is a new 5-story staff dormitory building. The assembly rate of the project reaches 65.93%, and the prefabricated components are mainly prefabricated stairs, prefabricated laminated floors, prefabricated interior walls, and prefabricated air-conditioning panels. The so-called prefabricated building is different from the traditional building form, it is more like an industrial product. The "parts" required for the construction site are produced in advance in the prefabricated workshop by the method of assembly line production. After transporting to the construction site, the buildings are assembled like "building blocks", which can effectively improve the construction efficiency and reduce the generation of waste.

In the "Ankang Municipal Government Work Report" at the Fifth Ankang Municipal Congress just held in March, it was mentioned in the key tasks for 2022: "Actively promote green and low-carbon development. Seize the opportunity of the national "double carbon" policy, follow up on the top ten actions for carbon peaking, and accelerate the construction of industrial structures, production methods, lifestyles, and spatial patterns that complement resource conservation and environmental protection. Vigorously develop green manufacturing, reduce energy and material consumption per unit product in the production field, gradually increase the ratio of urban green buildings and prefabricated buildings, and improve environmental protection industry support policies such as energy conservation and water conservation, and recycling of waste materials. " This shows the goal and determination of Ankang City in the promotion of the prefabricated construction industry. The successful completion of this project has opened a new journey of prefabricated buildings in the Ankang area.

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