The prefabricated block of the first ring roof of the Shenzhen Metro prefabricated station is hoisted into place

Author:ID: china_pci


The prefabricated block of the first ring roof of the prefabricated station of the second phase of Shapu Station of Line 12 was hoisted into place, marking the successful completion of the closed loop of the first ring of the prefabricated station!

Shapu Station is one of the first 7 prefabricated stations in Shenzhen Metro, and the only prefabricated station in Phase II of Metro Line 12. The promotion of this green, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and efficient new construction technology will lead the new trend of subway station construction. 

The prefabricated "internal support + large block + fully assembled" station is a precedent in the national subway construction, and there is no domestic technology and no experience for reference. The dimensional accuracy of prefabricated components needs to be controlled within -1 to +3 mm, and it is easy to form accuracy deviations and appearance cracks during production and transportation. During the construction process, large-scale prefabricated components need to be hoisted several times, the heaviest reaching 128 tons, which increases the safety risk, and the safety control of hoisting is also a difficult point.

Relevant construction units fully implement fully closed management, make overall planning and careful organization according to local conditions, set up a scientific research working group and a technical research group for prefabricated stations, organize special meetings, and formulate a number of special construction plans. Before and after the production of prefabricated components, 3D scanning is used to detect the dimensional accuracy strictly within the design specification millimeters. Carry out a comprehensive technical disclosure before hoisting, clarify the main construction technology, quality control points and safety precautions, including strict inspection before unloading of prefabricated components, review after unloading, precision control during assembly and quality control of each process.

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