Nanjing, Jiangsu Province vigorously develops green building materials and improves building quality


"Carbon peaking" and "carbon neutrality" are the inherent needs of the comprehensive green transformation of social development. In recent years, Nanjing City has further implemented the concept of low-carbon development, energy conservation and emission reduction with green building materials as the carrier. The Municipal Construction Committee has accelerated the development of the green building materials industry to a large-scale and high-star level through measures such as policy guidance, demonstration drive, standardized management, and financial encouragement. The specific measures are as follows.

One is to build a long-term promotion mechanism. As one of the six pilot cities in which the national government supports green building materials to promote building quality, Nanjing has issued a series of supporting documents such as pilot project management, guidance and support measures, and technical requirements for green building materials. It plans to promote green building materials in new government procurement projects such as hospitals, schools, and complexes from 2021 to 2022, and build a long-term mechanism for the promotion and application of green building materials such as internal control systems, volume-based procurement, and supply-demand display.

The second is to vigorously increase the scale of pilot projects. 39 green building materials pilot projects were identified, with a total construction area of about 4.38 million square meters and a total investment of about 36.7 billion yuan. A total of 346 green building materials products were registered and released by 139 companies. At present, the scale and progress of the pilot projects in our city are in the forefront of the pilot cities. At the National Green Building Materials Pilot Work Symposium last year, the city's pilot work was fully affirmed by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

The third is to standardize the whole process management. Establish and improve the storage and registration management system for green building materials, develop a green building materials acceptance application and data supervision service platform, and standardize the whole-process management of pilot project declaration, implementation supervision, and verification.

The fourth is to strengthen financial guidance and support. For pilot demonstration projects with more than 50% application of green building materials, financial guidance and support will be given in different grades to mobilize the enthusiasm of construction units to use green building materials.

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