Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Green Building and Prefabricated Construction successfully completed the seismic performance test of new steel frame beam-column joints

Author:ID: ahsjzkxyjsjy


Recently, the Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Green Building and Prefabricated Construction successfully completed the seismic performance test of the new steel frame beam-column joint. This test was completed by the Structural and Seismic Laboratory under the guidance of Professor Tian Limin from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. The experimental work was supported by the Open Fund Project of Anhui Key Laboratory of Green Building and Prefabricated Construction, the scientific research project of Anhui Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd., and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

The test mainly carried out quasi-static loading test on 14 groups of new steel frame beam-column joint specimens with different parameters, using a multi-channel electro-hydraulic servo loading system and a large L-shaped lattice reaction wall. The seismic performance of the new recoverable functional nodes was mainly studied, which lasted for more than 30 days. The test results show that, compared with traditional welded joints, double-joint joints, single-joint joints, and full-bolt joints all show good post-earthquake recovery functions. After loading, only the part of the replaceable T-shaped energy-dissipating plate has buckling or fracture damage, and the other parts are basically free of damage. After using the replaceable T-type energy dissipation plate, the seismic performance of the joint is obviously better than that of the welded joint of the same size, and the bearing capacity of the joint is still improved in the later stage of loading. The results of this test can provide an important test basis for the subsequent research and development of new recoverable functional steel frame structure systems.

In the next step, the structural and seismic professional laboratory will rely on the advanced test platform of the key laboratory, closely integrate the main business development of the unit, and deepen the cooperation between industry, academia and research. Continue to deepen the scientific and technological innovation in the field of structural earthquake resistance, provide an innovative driving force for the high-quality transformation and development of Anhui Jianke 4.0 era, and contribute to Anhui Jianke's strength in building a first-class Anhui Construction Engineering in the new era.

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