Yichun, Jiangxi: The scope of prefabricated buildings is further expanded

Author:ID: yichunzhujian


In order to promote the green development and high-quality development of urban and rural construction, and promote the comprehensive transformation and upgrading of the construction industry with the development of prefabricated buildings, the Yichun Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development officially issued the "Implementation Plan for the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Yichun City in 2022" on April 8. It is determined that the new construction area of prefabricated buildings in the city this year will account for 30% of the total construction area, and the construction area of newly constructed steel structure prefabricated residential buildings will account for no less than 10% of the construction area of newly constructed residential buildings in the same period.

It is understood that the proportion of prefabricated buildings this year has increased by 5% compared with the previous year, and it is clear that the proportion of prefabricated buildings in various places is not less than 30%. It also requires counties (cities, districts) to start no less than one steel structure prefabricated residential project with a total construction area of no less than 50,000 square meters. Yuanzhou District and Fengcheng City have built no less than one demonstration site of light steel structure farm houses, with a total construction area of no less than 2,000 square meters.

At the same time, the "three strengthening" work requirements were put forward for the counties (cities, districts) and the "three districts" housing and construction bureaus. One is to strengthen the work mechanism. Establish a working mechanism of "planning at the beginning of the year, monthly scheduling, quarterly notification, and year-end assessment", and promptly release the name, location, type, scale, start and completion time and other information of the prefabricated building project of the year to the society. Report the progress of the work to the local party committee and government in a timely manner. The second is to strengthen the linkage between departments. Actively connect with natural resources, development and reform, industrial information, finance, finance and other departments, form a joint force to promote the development of prefabricated buildings, and create a first-class development environment for the development of prefabricated buildings. The proportion of the prefabricated building area and the assembly rate of the engineering construction project should be included in the planning and design conditions, and written into the land transfer contract or the allocation decision. The third is to strengthen target assessment. The prefabricated building assessment in 2022 will be included in the municipal government's assessment of high-quality development of the county (city, district) government. The newly-started prefabricated building area accounts for more than 30% (inclusive) and will be awarded full marks. Circulate criticism of localities and units that fail to complete their target tasks, and request the municipal government to hold them accountable.

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