Dingzhou Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Hebei Province actively builds a provincial-level prefabricated building component production base

Author:ID: dingzhouchengjian


In order to promote the active development of the construction modernization industry, lead the industrial transformation and upgrading, and promote the healthy development of the building energy conservation market, Dingzhou Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau actively builds a provincial-level prefabricated building component production base, and vigorously improves the scale and level of prefabricated buildings. Strive to achieve standardization of design, factory production, construction assembly, integration of decoration, management informatization, and application intelligence.

The Dingzhou prefabricated building component production base project is located in the North Circular Economy Industrial Park of Dingzhou Economic Development Zone. The project covers a total area of about 200 acres and a planned total construction area of about 80,000 square meters. The total investment of the project is about 350 million yuan. The project has been officially put into production, with an annual production capacity of 150,000 cubic meters of PC components and 300,000 cubic meters of AAC sheets.

It is now preparing to apply for the relevant information of the provincial prefabricated building industry base. After being reviewed by the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, it will be reported to the Provincial Housing and Urban-rural Development Department. The Housing and Urban-rural Development Department entrusts the Provincial Standard Office to organize an evaluation expert committee to review the construction industry prefabricated industry base project. The development of the prefabricated construction industry base is another practical carrier for Dingzhou to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, promote the high-quality development of urban and rural construction, meet the general public's yearning for high-quality life, and deepen the implementation of the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality". 

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