In 2021, the prefabricated building area in Jiangxi Province will account for 24% of the total new construction area


On April 11, Jiangxi held a video conference on the promotion of the long-term work of the real estate construction industry chain in the province.

The meeting pointed out that in the past year, the real estate construction industry has made important contributions to the high-quality leap-forward development of the province's economy and local fiscal revenue, and has provided strong support for the province's steady growth, expansion of domestic demand, and people's livelihood. This year, it is necessary to further build consensus, boost spirit, and work harder to accelerate the promotion of Jiangxi Province's real estate construction industry to take advantage of the momentum, leap over the trillion-dollar level of construction industry output in a sprint state, and provide solid support for the province's high-quality leapfrog development.

The meeting proposed that it is necessary to insist on increasing the total volume and improving the quality at the same time, and pay attention to both upgrading and accelerating the transformation. Accelerate the promotion of the three-chain isomorphism of "enterprise chain, ecological chain and value chain", and build a whole construction industry chain with leading advantageous enterprises as the core, modern construction industry clusters as the carrier, and the upstream and downstream industrial links are connected. Make the construction industry bigger and stronger, and create an internationally competitive "Jiangxi Construction" brand. By the end of this year, the total output value of the construction industry will exceed one trillion yuan. By 2025, the total output value of the construction industry will reach 1.5 trillion yuan, and the added value of the construction industry will account for 8.5% of GDP.

According to reports, in 2021, the total output value of the province's construction industry will be 976.295 billion yuan, ranking the 13th in the country, with a year-on-year increase of 12.88%, and the growth rate ranks the eighth in the country. In the first quarter of this year, the province's construction industry rose against the trend, and the output value maintained positive growth.

In 2021, the province's prefabricated construction area will account for 24% of the total newly-started construction area, and 62 prefabricated construction industry bases will be built to achieve full coverage of industrial bases in districts and cities. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the province has renovated 1.168 million shantytowns, helping about 6 million people to "get out of the shed and enter the building"; 3,469 old communities were renovated, and the living environment of 1.0224 million households was effectively improved. Through continuous optimization of the government affairs environment, in 2021, the average project approval time will be 52 working days, 23 working days less than the previous year, and the approval convenience will be the eighth in the country.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to further consolidate work responsibilities, optimize the business environment, improve the working mechanism of the chain leader system, promote the work of the real estate construction industry chain to achieve results, and strive to promote the high-quality development of the real estate construction industry.

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